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Faith's POV

I haven't been able to see Michael all week and since I do my school work online my moms been keeping me and busy during the day working on stuff with her and making a point of having us seen out in public together so I've barely been able to text him either. I hate having to do this and I know my mom is only making a point of being seen in public with me so much so she can get at Michael and Jackie, just like my grandma said she did to Jackie in her letter. I hate having to go along with her and do this to them and Michael has even told me it hurts him seeing me on TV and in pictures, but not being able to see me in person and it hurts me when I see that with Michael and I can't imagine how Jackie is feeling having to go through it all again. We know it's not going to be forever and I'm trying not to think about it to much.

I have a TV appearance with my mom today and I'm in my room part getting ready, but mainly singing and dancing around my room to Michael's thriller song and my mom storms in switching it off. "Faith! What the hell are you doing? We have an interview in an hour quit messing around and get ready"

"I am getting ready" I shrug "no your messing around like a little kid. You really need to start growing up. I'm tired of all this singing and dancing around the house, it's giving me a headache"

"I'm sorry" I sigh "good, now hurry up an get ready"

"must be a bad habit I get from my dad" I shrug and she frowns even more pissed off than when she walked in "Faith, don't even think about messing this up" she warns me "I'm surprised the woman even wants to interview us again after that awkward one you did last time"

"I already said sorry for that and I'm not gonna mess it up" I roll my eyes having this conversation for the millionth time today "well make sure you..."

"I thought you wanted me to get ready?" I cut her off "I do and..." I switch the music back on blasting it up higher than before and go back to dancing around my room picking out and outfit and my mother sends me a death stare and walks out without another word. Not like I could have heard her over the music anyway.

Once she's gone I go over and lock my door and get my other phone from under my mattress and text Michael.

From: Faith- On way to interview will be there in 30 xxxx

From:Michael- Will send Kai over. I love you and miss you xxxx

From: Faith- love and miss you too xxxx


Michael's POV

"Faith's on her way over to the studio" I turn to the others, who are sat in the living room. We don't normally watch interviews of each other or this kind of show in general, but we promised Faith we would because she doesn't normally do interviews so it's kind of our way of supporting her without being able to be there with her.

"did she do it yet?" Jackie asks bringing me from my thoughts "not yet. I text Kai and she's gonna go over to the studio with the test"

"why are you sending your cook to the studio with it?" LaToya frowns confused "because I can't go and if one of us go down there with a DNA test Julie's kinda gonna get suspicious" I shrug sarcastically and her dumb question and go into the kitchen to get a drink and am followed by Janet. "are you ok about all this?" She asks softly and I nod "It's the only way I can get her back now. I can't wait months I need her home with me now" I explain and she sighs sympathicaly "Michael, I hate to keep bringing it up, but once people find out about Jackie then everybody's gonna know Faith's your niece and.. "

"she's not my neice" I cut her off "maybe not to you, but you are..."

"yes I know! And I know everybody isn't going to accept us and say alot of nasty stuff about us. We know that and you all don't need to keep reminding us" I snap slightly. "I didn't mean to upset you" she sighs "but why don't you just go public about the two of you and leave Jackie out of it? We've all managed to hide it for this long and we can still do that. Jackie will understand"

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