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Michael's POV

It's the next morning and Faith and I are in the kitchen discussing how we're going to tell everybody.

"I think we should just sit them all down and just come right out with it" Faith suggests. "You mean just blurt it out, just like that?"

"Mhm.. we may as well and then any comments or questions they have, we'll deal with in then" she shrugs.

I'm about to speak when Jackie walks in. "Morning" he smiles walking towards the coffee machine. "Umm.. we need to talk to..."

I'm cut off when his phone starts ringing and he stares at the number and sighs heavily then cancels the call and puts in back in his pocket. "I spoke to the police last night and their gonna be sending and officer round in..."

"You called the cops on us!? For what?" I cut him off "Because when you both disappeared, we filed missing person reports and they need to ask you both some questions"

"But we haven't done anything" Faith cuts in with a worried look on her face. "Your not in trouble. They just was ask where you've been and check your both ok so they can close their case on the whole thing. It's just a few questions, nothing to worry about" he reassures her. "Will you be here?" Faith asks and he nods. "If that's what you want"

"We actually need to speak to you about something first. Well... speak to all of you actually" she mumbles. "Is everything ok?" He asks concerned. "It's nothing to worry about, but we do have to tell you..."

I'm cut off once again by Jackie's phone ringing. "I'm gonna have to go" he sighs frustrated at whoever's calling. "But you said you'd.."

"I know and don't worry. I'll be back before the police get here" he cuts Faith off in a rushed tone and walks out dailing a number.

"That when well" Faith giggles slightly "wonder what the big hurry was"

"It's probably just work or something" I shrug. "You think we should wait until the police have been to tell them?" Faith asks and I'm about to speak when Janet walks in. "Tell them what?"

"Nothing" I shake my head. "So why do you want us all together?"

"How long have you been listening?" I frown. "Long enough. So c'mon what's going on?" She asks joining us at the table and Faith and I look at each other and smile slightly. "Ok, but you can't say anything. We want to tell everybody together so..."

"I want say a word" she cuts Faith off "so what is it?" She asks again. "We got married" I blurt out and she doesn't say anything and just stares at us open mouthed for a moment then suddenly squeals making us both jump slightly. "Oh my God! Congratulations!" She smiles running over to Faith, giving her a hug then turns to me and does the same then breaks away. "You know Jackie's gonna murder you right?" She smirks and I nods "probably" I chuckle "well don't worry you'll have witnesses if he does"

"You can't say anything" Faith cuts in "I swear. I won't say a word" she smiles then pulls us both in for another hug "aww... I'm so happy for you guys"


Jackie's POV

"I see you finally decided to come home" Einid scoffs the second I walk through the door "I've been calling all morning and..."

"And I already told you where I was. You didn't have to keep calling every two seconds" I cut her off. "Faith and Michael came home last night and I wanted answers and to spend time with my daughter. What's your problem?"

"My problem is you have two other kids and a wife in case you forgot" she says sarcastically. "I'm fully aware of that, but in case you forgot. I also have an 18 year old daughter that's pregnant and been missing for days and so has my brother"

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