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Julie's POV

It's been 24 hours and Faith still isn't home. I've tried calling and leaving her messages, but her phone is still switched off.

There's a knock on the door and I quickly rush to open it. "Have you found her?" I ask hopefully letting the officer in and he shakes his head. "We're doing the best we can but..."

"But nothing!" I cut him off "my daughter has been kidnapped and your doing nothing!" I yell. "Actually, we're doing everything we can and I came here to tell you that because of the New information we're now looking into this as a runaway case not a kidnap"

"What the hell are you talking about!? You heard the message she left" I frown confused. "Yes. And from the time she left that message and the time she was last seen doesn't match and there was also a huge piece of information you left out too" he frowns and I look at him confused. "The talk show you did? That was broadcast this morning?" He says sarcastically. "That wasn't me talking. I would never do those things. I love my daughter and..."

"Well according to the woman working on sound that day. She spoke to your daughter and it was your daughter that recorded your conversation with her cell phone and broadcasted it onto the show" he raises an eyebrow "Stacy spoke to Faith!? Why didn't she say something!?" I snap. "Mrs Owen's. You do realise how serious this is?" I'm about to speak and my front door slams open.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" Jackie yells charging over to me, but the officer stops him before he gets any closer. "Sir, please calm down"

"Calm down!!? She bleached my babies skin and treats her like shit and I'm supposed to Calm down!!!"

"It wasn't like that" I shake my head. "So what was it like, huh!? Faith is missing and nobody knows where she is because of you!" He yells "and who else is missing, huh? Bit of a coincidence Michael goes missing at the same time" I snap then turn to the officer. "He kidnapped her before and..."

"We have no record of that and we have no proof Mr Jackson has been anywhere near your daughter"

"Have you looked for him?" Jackie asks using a calmer tone towards the officer. "We have, but just like your daughter nobody is saying anything"

"So we're supposed to wait and hope for the best she comes home!?" I snap "best thing you can do is stay away from her" Jackie scoffs. "So I made a few tiny little mistakes so what!? I was a single teenage mother and..."

"That's no excuse!" Jackie cuts me off. "There's plenty of teenage moms out there and they don't treat their kids the way you do and put them down all the time and even teenagers know not to bleach a baby's fucking skin! You've done some shitty things in your time but that is just discusting! If you didn't want her then you should have given her to a family that did and a family that would have treated her with love and respect and.."

"Oh, please! Don't act all high and mighty. You wanted nothing to do with Faith when I told you I was pregnant" I point out. "Because I thought you were lying like you always do and I did come back for her over and over and..."

"Who did what isn't what's important right now. You daughter's safety and where abouts is" the officer cuts us both off and Jackie goes silent for a moment "maybe it's best we talk alone" the officer says softly to Jackie and he nods.

Jackie's POV

The officer walks me outside of Julie's house and towards the car. "I'm sorry I snapped but..."

"I completely understands sir. But the two of you arguing like this isn't going to help find your daughter" he says softly. "Is there Anything you can find?" I say desperately and he sighs. "To be honest, with that recording being put out there it's going to be even harder now"

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