Happy birthday Pt.2

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Faith's POV

I get to Michael's house and the front door is open slightly which was really weird because he's always very safety conscious and when i've been here before he's made sure all the doors were locked and never once left a window or door open unless he was in the room. I Knock but don't get a response so walk into the house slowly feeling really nervous. "Hello?"

I shout and still don't get a response. I'm standing in the hallway and it's eerily quiet. And suddenly the front door closes "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!"

I scream turning round and see Michael giggling like crazy. "You jerk!" I giggle playfully hitting him on the arm. "Happy birthday" he smiles softly, pulling me in for a friendly hug and I sigh contently as we embrace for a moment then my phone rings and I quickly break away.

I roll my eyes seeing it's my mother calling. "sorry, I have to take this" I turn to Michael and he nods and walks off into the living room.

"Hi mom"

"Where the hell our you? I've been calling the house?" She snaps "I'm on my way to Kylee's house"

"well you could have told me your father was worried sick he thought you'd been murdered! Or kidnapped! Or raped!"

"well tell dad. I've not been raped, murdered or kidnaped" I say sarcastically "no need for the attitude! Anyway I'm calling to let you know the housekeepers sick so you'll have to take care of things yourself for the next few days. Talk soon sweetie"

She hangs up and I go to join Michael in the living room and he's standing at the door waiting for me. "were you listening to that?" I mutter, bummed out by the call. It's nice to know my dad cared about my safety, but it would be nice if my mother cared every now an then "Mhm... since we're celebrating I got us some champagne. Your parents won't mind you drinking will they?" he ask and I nod smiling slightly "they don't mind" I shrug.


Michael's POV

Faith and I have a few drinks and even though she's smiling and laughing, I can still see in her eyes she's sad. she's been like that since her mother called. "so What did your mother say to you earlier?" I ask pouring us some more drinks and she shakes her head. "nothing really, just that the housekeepers off sick and she'll deal with it when she gets back in a few days"

"where did she go?" I ask handing, her drink and She shrugs taking her glass from me "she didn't say...and I never asked" she sighs and goes quiet again. "why do you do that?" I ask softly and She looks at me confused. "open up when someone's asks you a question then close down straight after" Sighs an she takes a sip of her drink then answers me. "because if they're really interested then they'd ask" she finishes her drink then continues."or maybe it's because my parents are reporters and every conversation feels like an interview" she shrugs and we both giggle. "So I have to interview you to get to know you?" She smiles thinking for a moment "you wanna play a game?"

"sure!" I smile "ok... We get five questions each and we both have to be completely honest"

"only five?" I raise an eyebrow at her "Only five....so you better make it good" she winks "Sounds fair" I shrug, pouring us both another glass of champagne. We're both getting pretty tipsy now but maybe this will help her open up to me more. I sit back next to her thinking of what to ask. I have so many things and there's one in particular I really wanna know. "What kinda stuff can we ask?"

"we can ask anything we want no matter how personal and whatever it is the other person has to answer and be completely honest"

"and how will we know if the other is being honest or not?" I look at her skeptically. She thinks for a moment then shrugs. "I guess we'll just have to trust each other" Even though I agreed to play this five questions only game with Faith, I'm kinda nervous about her answers and what she's gonna ask me. "You wanna go first?" Faith purses her lips smilingly slightly and I can see in her eyes she's just as nervous about what I'm gonna ask her.

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