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Faith's POV

Michael and I came home a few days ago and I haven't been to school or even outside since that stupid article was written about me. I do want to go outside, but Michael said it would be best to stay out of sight of the media for a few days. I'm going to be going out today though, but I'm actually pretty nervous about it because Michael thinks that we need to start being seen around together. It's along time until I turn 18, but him and some others think it's best if the media sees us together now, but only as friends (for obvious reasons)

"guess what songs at number one?" Michael sings happily coming into the living pulling me in for a hug. "I guessing it's one of yours" I giggle wrapping my arms around him "nope!" He smirks shaking his head "then why are you so happy about it?" I look at him confused "because it's one of ours"

"it did!?" I smile excitedly "mhm. And I just got off the phone to Quincy and 'we are the world' has been nominated for the American music awards!" He says with the same excitement "and what's even better. I get to take you as my date!"

"I can't go with the to the awards" I shake my head breaking away slightly "people would get suspicious and..."

"and that's the whole point of us being seen out together" he chuckles slightly "plus I'll have the most beautiful date there" he smiles softly pulling me back in. "you do want to go public about us right?"

"of course" I smile "it's just everything's been happening so fast with us and with Jackie, my mom and all the other stuff. I'm just kinda trying to take everything in" I giggle slightly under my breath wrapping my arms back around his neck. "well like I said before, nobody's gonna know we're dating until you give me the ok to say so, ok?"

"ok" I smile through pursed lips. "you said the magic word! FAITH OWEN'S IS MY GIRLFRIEND!" He yells "yeah, we know!" We hear Kai yell from the kitchen making us both laugh.


Michael's POV

I've hated having to keep Faith hidden away for the past few days, but after that article Julie wrote the media have been going crazy about it, so keeping her out of the way seemed like the best thing to do until I could figure out what to do.

Since Quincy 'accidently' let it slip Faith was on the song I did for charity and that we've been talking about working on other projects together the media are now interested in that instead of her apparent alcohol addiction. I know it's risky letting the world see us together now since Faith doesn't turn 18 until the end of the year and the rumors will start as soon as we're pictured together, but we're going to say we're just friends for now and nobody can prove that we're dating or having sex, but in a way that'll be a good thing the rumours start because if the rumors start now then nobody will be too shocked when we do tell them.


"and we're here and the crowd is going wild!" Faith says in a funny voice holding up the new phone I got her "do you have a message for you fans?" She turns the phone to me "I love you all" I smile blowing a kiss at the camera and she puts it down, turning the camera off once the car stops "are you ready?" I ask and she nods nervously and I turn giving the ok to my security. "now whatever happens.."

"do.. Not.. Say.. Anything. I do know" Faith cuts me off. It's not that I don't want her to talk, it's just that the press love to twist peoples words. Which is why when they follow me around I never speak or even look at them, because there always waiting for that one inocent little comment that they can quickly twist into something completely different.

The second we get of the car we get bombarded with so many people asking questions and cameras flashing in our faces, I can barley make out a word and luckily security is there to help us find out way to the door!

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