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Faith's POV

It's been a few days since I came home and I still haven't spoken to Michael. My mom hasn't said anything about that night or any of the Jackson's and I'm glad she hasn't because I'm really not ready to talk about any of that yet. I still haven't told my mom about the baby. I know i'll have to tell her eventually, but right now me and my mom have been getting along great and I'm trying deal with one problem at a time, not get into an argument and make more drama for myself.

I go downstairs and my mom is in the kitchen. "Hey! Breakfast is almost ready" she smiles turning to see me. "Is Fernando working away all week?" I ask and she sighs shaking her head "we broke up a while ago"

"You what? Why didn't you say anything?"

"Because when you first came home you were upset"

"What happened?"

"It just wasn't working out" she shrugs causally. I can tell there's more to it, but just like me and Michael she clearly doesn't want to talk about it.

"How about we do a little shopping today?" I ask. "I'd love to, but I have a lot of work today and..."

"One day won't hurt" I cut her off "you and I need some retail therapy to help us forget about men"

"I supose one day wont hurt" she smiles and I smile back "you finish your breakfast and i'll go get ready" she smiles and heads upstairs to get ready.

Jackie's POV

I haven't seen or heard anything from Michael or Faith in a few days now, which is weird because normally Faith calls me at least every other day and whenever I've tried calling her phone but it goes straight to voice mail and I'm starting to get concerned.

When I go over it takes awhile, but eventually Michael comes to the door and he looks a mess and clearly wasted.

"Mike, what the fuck!?" I frown looking around the living room seeing empty whisky bottles around the place. "Where's Faith?"

"She gone" he croaks and begins sobbing "gone where?"

"As far away from me as possible. I didn't do it I swear!" He sniffles "do what!? Mike, what the fuck are you talking about!" I snap getting irritated and he starts telling me about what happens.

".... I know Diana didn't like that we were together, but I never thought she'd do something thing like this. And now Faith won't speak to me and switched off her phone so I can't even call her" he sobs and I pull him in close to me. In a way I'm glad the two have them finally split, but not like this. seeing Michael in this state is killing me and I hate to think the state Faith is in right now. It was one thing trying to break them up when it was just the two of them, but now there's a baby involved.

"Everything was perfect and we were happy and now everything's ruined and it's all Diana's fault. I thought she was my friend. Why would she do this to me?" He sobs and I pull him in closer. "Mike, you need to stop this. Look at what your doing to yourself"

"I don't care. Faith's gone..  I've lost her and my baby... nothing else matters anymore"

"Faith will come round" I try to comfort him "you think so?" He looks at me hopefully "mhm. Now you need to clean yourself up because she's not gonna want to see you like this" I reasure him and hope to myself that she really does cone round. "I just need to see her and tell her that I love her. I'm not gonna let her go. It's not gonna happen. I'm gonna make her listen somehow" he says getting up and starts getting agitated and pacing around. "And you will, but right now it's probably best you try and sleep off the alcohol before you do anything.

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