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Jackie's POV

"What's wrong now?" I sigh rolling my eyes as Julie comes into the living room slamming her cell phone on the sofa"

"That nannie I interviewed doesn't work Tuesday because apparently she feels she deserves to sit around the house all day while other people do her job" she says getting more irritated. "But I thought you already two nannies" I frown confused "I have, but we need a live in nanny too" she shrugs.

"Julie, you do realise we're only having one baby right?"

"Obviously! But I'm still gonna need help around this place what with the two of us working"

"But don't you think three nannies is a bit much? It my confuse her"

"She'll be fine. Faith had like five and she turned out ok... well except for the whole fucking her own uncle thing, but other than that she was ok" she smiles "I should probably get going. I told my mother I'd go over for lunch today" I say getting up to leave. "How come you still won't let me come with you?"

"I told you why. They all hate you" I tell her honestly. "But, I thought we were together now"

"We are"

"Then what's the problem?"

"What do you think? I'd love to take you with me trust me I would but..."

"Their gonna have to get used to us eventually. If their ok with Michael and Faith, then they should be fine with us.. unless you have a problem with it?"

"Of course not"

"They why can't I meet your family? And why don't you want us to go public yet? Seems to me like your only interested in this baby, lately" she frowns folding her arms and I go over and pull her close.

"Baby, of course I don't only care about our baby! I care about you too and the only reason I don't want the media knowing about us is because my divorce isn't final from Enid yet and if she and her lawyers find about us and the baby before the divorce is final, she'll clean me out. The bitch is already trying to bleed me dry"

"I guess. But as soon as it's final we're going public"

"And I can't wait!" I smile and peck her lips "plus! Our little girl will be here then and we can proudly show her to the world!"

"Well we need to leak the story first. the highest bidding magazine gets the first pictures. Can you imagine how much money we're gonna get for that!" She smiles excitedly. "Mhm... I was thinking we could go to the bank today and start setting up a savings account for when she's older" I suggest and she frowns confused. "For what? She won't need it. Have you seen Faith's bank account!? And that was before she was with Michael. Trust me. We're gonna make alot of money and so will she!" She smiles pointing at her baby bump. I made a fortune with Faith and baby number two will make even more and we'll have even more spotlight now Faith's all grown up. Anyway I thought you were going to see your mother today?"

"I am. I'm just about to get dressed now"

"And leave me all alone again" she sighs "Baby, you know I'd take you if I could, but I don't want them all ganging up on you and..."

"I'm a big girl. I can handle your family, plus the baby's due any day now. What if I go into Labour while your out? You don't want to miss it like you did Faith do you?"

"Of course not" I sigh. "So I can come?"

"Ok. But if they say anything to you..."

"I'll be fine" she cuts me off

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