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Michaels POV

I go into the bathroom and Faith is still putting on her make up "you is still getting ready? I thought they had makeup people at the studio you mother works at?"

"they do but I can't walk outside like this" she mutters, talking about her Lupas that flared up last night. "baby, it's barely noticeable" I try to reassure her giving her a cuddle "the cameras will notice" she sighs turning back to the mirror. "you know what the media's like they catch everything"

"well you still look beautiful to me" I smile pecking her lips. I understand how insecure Faith is feeling right now because I go through the exact same thing with my conditions too. Faith's isn't and severe and mine and are really mild, plus with her being light skinned it isn't as noticeable and normally it doesn't bother her at all, but because she's going on an interview with her mother today she's really paranoid about it and the way she looks in general. I'm not saying all Faith's insecurities are because of Julie, but the majority of it is her fault. When a parent makes nasty comments about the way you look for so long, eventually you begin to believe it and that's how Faith feels. No matter how many times I tell her truthfully how beautiful she is, I can tell by the look in her eyes she's doesn't 100% believe me and I hate seeing her like this.

"I get why you stayed with her the other night, but how come you agreed to do this interview with her?" I ask "I told you already. My mom said they get younger viewers when I'm on anything she does, so her usual viewers plus maybe a handful of people that wanna see me, means more ground we cover and the police can find those fuckers that mugged my mom" she frowns still pissed about the whole incident. Even though her and Julie haven't always got along, Julie's still her mother so it's understandable she'd be so upset. "do the police have any suspects yet?" I ask and she shakes her head "all she knows is there was two of them and they were black Soo..."

"not much to go off then" I chuckle slightly "you never know, somebody could have seen someone in the area looking shady" she shrugs hopefully. "well I hope they do find whoever it was" I tell her honestly and peck her lips and she breaks away. "I have to finish getting ready"

"you can spare a few more minutes for your man" I moan slightly pulling her back to me and kiss her slightly deeper this time. She kisses me back then breaks away. "Isn't Diana coming over? Your not even dressed yet"

"it's fine. We have a whole hour" I wiggle my eyebrows playfully "you do.. I have to go" she giggles pecking my lips


Faith's POV

I'm sat on the sofa in the dressing room texting Kylee and my mom comes in looking nervous "is everything ok?" I ask putting my phone on the arm of the sofa and go over to her. "I'm not sure I can do this anymore. I can't go out there and relive the whole thing again and..."

"it's gonna be ok and so will you" I smile reassuringly placing my hands on her shoulders and she sighs taking and deep breath. "i'm gonna be with you the whole time your out there... they'll find whoever mugged you" I smile through pursed lips and she smiles back the same way.

She's about to speak when there's a knock at the door. "hey, I've been looking all over for you" Emma from hair and make up smiles. "I'm sorry I forgot to tell you" my mother sighs "it's fine you just try and relax" I smile and turn to leave with Emma, but my mom calls her back. "Faith has a slight sunburn on her face from spending to much time on the tanning bed this morning, could you make sure you cover that up?"

"of course" Emma smiles politely

"why does your mom keep saying you have sun burn every time your Lupas flares up?" Emma asks when we leave the room "she doesn't want people to know I have it for some reason" I shrug "maybe I should start using those tanning bed things. I'd love to have that year round glow you get from them" she smiles and I smile back through pursed lips. I've never actually used a tanning bed or spend that much time in the sun, which I used to find strange that I'd always be more tanned than my mom and Dad, but since I found out about Jackie it kinda makes sense now.

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