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Faith's POV

"Ok, big smiles!" I smile and me, Michael and Precious smile taking a picture. "You two look so beautiful" Michael smiles looking at the picture. "An Dadda!" Precious coos pointing to Michael's phone. "That's right! Daddy looks good too" I smile, giving her a cuddle.

"Oh my god! Are you two still not dressed!?" LaToya says walking into the room with a checklist she's had practically glued to her hand all week. "We were just taking a photo" Michael shrugs. "But, it's already 7:30. You three should be dressed buy now. We only have four hours before the christening!"

"LaToya, relax we'll be ready. It is our daughters chrisining remeber?" I giggle. "Then why aren't you ready and leaving everything to me?" She frowns "actually we didn't ask you to do anything you named yourself as head organiser for Precious's christing" Michael cuts in. "Eveything's fine. Just relax"

"I'm sorry. I just want everything to go well for you guys today" she sighs sitting down "and it will. You've done a great job at helping us organising everything" I smile and I can sense somthing else is bothering her. "Is something wrong?" I ask and she shakes her head then sighs heavily. "I'm just worried about the situation with your mom and Jackie and about today and especially tonight"

"What situation?" Michael frowns confused. "You don't think it's going to be a little awkward them spending the night here?"

"Why? We're staying here tonight too" I shrug. "Yes, but you and Michael aren't ex... whatever the heck it was Jackie and Julie had and with Enid being here an you asking your parents to be God parents and not her and..."

"LaToya, chill" I cut her off from her rambling. "My mom and dad have been getting along fine lately. Don't worry about them. Just try and relax and have fun today" I smile "but I'm worried if they start fighting or..."

"Toy.... chill" Precious frowns cutting her off, making us laugh. "I guess that's me told" LaToya giggles taking her from me. "Why don't I watch this little Diva while you two get ready" she smiles and we nod making our way upstairs.

When we get downstairs my mom is here talking to LaToya who looks a little uncomfortable. "Is everything ok?" I ask walking over to them. "She wants to hold Precious. I wasn't sure if that would be ok with you and Michael"

"It's fine" I smile and LaToya hands her over to my mom and gives her the side eye a little as she walks away. "I'm sorry about that"

"It's fine. She's just looking out for you guys" she shrugs off what just happened. "Not long left to go!" She smiles excitedly, looking at my baby bump. "Do you and Michael have any names yet?" She asks and I'm about to answer when I hear my name being called.

"Faith!" My dad calls walking over and gives me a hug. "How's my two favourites girls doing today?" He coos, taking Precious from my mom and gives her a cuddle. "She's getting so big now!" Enid coos and my mom walks away and I notice them giving each other the side eye as she walks away. "I'll be right back" I smile and walk over to find my mom.

Julie's POV

I'm standing in the kitchen watching as Michael is talking with Jackie and I can't help but get more and more pissed off as Enid stands smiling touching Jackie's arm and being all flirty. I understand that he's waiting for things to be sorted with his lawyers and all this is for show, but it's still pissing me off watching the two of them together.

"Is everything ok?" I hear Faith's voice bringing me from my thoughts. "Mhm" I nod faking a smile. "Has something happened with you two?"

"No.. nothing. why would you think that?" I say a little too defensive. "So what was that with Enid a moment ago?" She frowns confused by my reaction to her question. "Um.. I think she's just a little uncomfortable with me being here" I shrug "Why wouldn't you be here? It's Precious's christening" she frowns. "I know, but with me and your father having history and him being your dad probably makes her feel a little threatened by me"

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