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Jackie's POV

Since Faith and Michael are now soon to be parents the three of us thought it would be a great idea for the two of them to get in some practice, so their going to be taking care of Brandi and Siggy for the whole day today. They spent the night last night so they can get up with them and will be here until they go to sleep tonight. Personally I think it's a great idea, but Enid on the other hand is more hesitant.

"Are you sure this a good idea?" Enid says nervously sitting beside me at the kitchen table. "They'll be fine! Plus their gonna need the practice" I reassure her.

"But today is going to be a busy day. Brandi has the doctors and we have a meeting with Siggy's daycare teacher and Brandi's teething and they have that scan today and..."

"And these are things their gonna have to deal with when they have a child" I cut her off. "But why not do it in a less busy day when.."

"Because parenting is tiring and stressfull. We can't just give them the easy stuff and if there is a problem, we're gonna be with them the whole time if they do need help, so there's nothing to worry about" I smile trying to reassure her.

"But they'll be tired anyway from being up all night with Brandi. Maybe I should get the kids up and give them their breakfast, just to help them out a bit" she suggest getting up from the table. "No... they have to learn" I take her hand stopping her. "I guess" she sighs "I still can't believe Julie agreed to be a surrogate for them" she shakes her head still in disbelief. "I thought she hated Michael being with Faith and now she's carrying his child for them"

"Thing's change" I shrug casually. I told Enid about Julie giving them a baby, but like hell I'm I going to tell her it's actually mine.

"But it's 6:30 and their not even up yet"

Enid says. "And neither our the kids and "good morning!" Michael smiles walking into the kitchen with Siggy followed by Faith holding Brandi. "Good morning" I smile back and Enid smiles at them through pursed lips and I look at her confused, why she's being like this. She's always complaining she's stressed out and doesn't get any help while I'm at work and stuff and today she has both Faith and Michael doing pretty much all the work and she's still pissed off.

Faith's POV

So far everything's been going really well taking care of Siggy and Brandi, but for some reason Enid keeps giving me the side eye. She's been doing that since Michael and I got here last night and I'm not sure why, but she seems to have a real problem with me for some reason which is why I don't come over to Jackie's house that much.

"You need to remember the cream or she'll get a rash" Enid says as I'm changing Brandi's diaper "Yeah, I know. I was just about to use it" I smile at her through pursed lips "have you give her, her medicine? she has to have it every..."

"Four hours. It's fine Michael gave it to her already" I cut her off "when?" She frowns confused "about 5 minutes ago"

"But she was supossed to have it 10 minutes ago! You can't..."

"Five minutes isn't going to make a difference" Jackie interups her "how's it going?" He smiles coming over to me. "Going good. She's all ready for the day" I smile. "But your not and neither is Michael or Siggy. He has to be at daycare and.."

"Siggy's all ready" Michael smiles walking into the room with him. "And what about you two? You gonna take them in your PJs?" She raises an eyebrow. "Actually. Michael's going to watch these two while I get ready and then we'll switch and we're ready to go" I smile and she smiles at me through pursed lips and I can see she's getting really pissed off for some reason.

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