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Kathrine's POV

I spent most of last night tossing and turning trying to sleep, but all I could think about is what Michael told me Emily had said to him and Faith.

I know she's had problems with her mental health in the past and obviously she's having these problems again, but to make up such ridiculous things is really disturbing. I know Julie a nasty person, especially when she was younger, but there's no way she would have done something like  Emily said. I know the two of them had a one night stand which Jackie has alway regretted, but the two of them never dated. Jackie hated Julie after he found out she was the one that had been picking on Michael and he'd never date a girl that picks on a little child, he just wouldn't.

After being awake most of the night having everything played over and over in my mind, I decided to go over and speak to Jackie myself. I know non of what Emily said was true, but I just need to hear it from Jackie himself an put any slight doubts I have to rest.

Jackie's POV

After dropping Siggy off at school and Brandi at day care, I head back home and my mother is standing at my door.

"Hey! What are you doing here so early?" I smile opening the door for us. "No reason. I just came to see how you are" she smiles at me through pursed lips.

After I make my mother and I a cup off coffee I take it into the living room for her and I can sense something's wrong.

"Has something happened?" I ask and she shakes her head. "It's silly really"

"What is?" I shrug and she sighs heavily. "Do you remember Emily? Julie's mother" She asks "um.. a little why?" I frown confused. "Well she contacted Faith and Michael and they went to see her yesturday"

"What did she say?" I ask a little nervously. "She um.. she told them you and Julie had a relationship when you were younger. I know it's ridiculous, but I just wanted to ask you about it"

"No.. it was just that one time like I told you and then when she had Precious, but that's it" I lie and she sighs slightly in relief. "I know and I'm sorry, I just needed to make sure. I knew deep down, but I just had to ask" she smiles slightly and I fake a smile at her through pursed lips. "Did.. Um.. did she say anything else to them?" I mumble and she shakes her head. "It doesn't matter. If you weren't with her then the rest of it couldn't possibly be true. She's probably just having another one of her episodes" she shrugs.

"What kind of stuff?" I ask a nervously and my mother looks at me for a moment. "You DID didn't you?" She frowns and I shake my head. "Your lying"

"It wasn't like tha..."

"Like what!?" She snaps cutting me off  "that woman, bullied your little brother and the whole time you and her were..."

"I was 15 years old and..."

"And she was 14 and bullying a little boy! Your brother!"

"That wasn't my fault. I broke up with her, but then she started playing all these games and messing with my head and trying to get me back by pucking on Michael and I would, but everytime I'd break up with her she'd take it out on him and...."

"Of course it was your fault! He was 5 years old! and she almost kill him because of you!" She cuts me off "we had to move because everytime your brother wasn't in the house I was terrified of what she'd do next!"

"I'm sorry" I croak. "Don't even think about putting on the water works, because it won't work. What you and Julie did was one thing, but YOU! You were just as responsible!"

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