Mind games

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LaToya's POV

I come down for breakfast and mother and Joseph are at the table. "Michael gone already?" I ask joining them. "he's still sleeping" mother replies. "I still don't see why he couldn't stay at home. That boy needs to man up and quit being a little wuss all the time" Joseph, shrugs. "he was just a little upset because Faith had to leave and Jackie was arguing with him again. That doesn't make him a wuss" mother defends him. "he was upset because his little girlfriend had to leave, that makes him a wuss in my book" he shrugs at her "you mean niece? And wuss isn't the term I'd use" I say sarcastically "don't you start! I had enough of Michael and Jackie going at it yesterday. I don't wanna listen to you too" mother frowns at me. "why are you defending him? You know what he's doing is wrong" I frown "and why are you just getting at your brother? Faith's just as much to blame" Joseph cuts it. "because Michael knew who Faith was when they met and he's older and should have known better. What he's doing is immoral and disgusting" I scrunch my face. "it's not like their brother and sister and what they do behind closed doors is their business" he shrugs "and what if it gets out about them. How do you think his fans will react?"

"he met a girl and fell in love and she loves him back and makes him happy. Why would his fans be upset about that?" mother asks confused. "nothing... Apart from that girl being his own neice!" I point out "they won't have to know about Jackie would they? Jackie doesn't put the other kids on blast in the media, so why would he with Faith?" Joseph cuts in "but they will find out. Look what happened with Jovani"

"that's enough!" Mother snaps at me. "I'm just saying if it had been her Michel had gone looking for and started a relationship with, you wouldn't be so accepting" I mumble "first off Jovani's his and your sister and a baby and second nobody said we excepted shit!" Joseph frowns "We all know what their doing is wrong. So is everybody just brushing it under the table like it's no big deal?" I frown "Michael clearly has some perverted fetish to wanna be with his niece and Faith obviously has some kind daddy issues if she's sleeping with her uncle and..."

"and that's a therapists problem not mine" Joseph cuts me off. Mothers about to speak, but quickly goes quiet and I turn to see Michael walking into the kitchen.

"don't shut up on my account" he frowns at me walking over to get some coffee "your sister didn't mean it, the way it sounded" my mothers says softly "there's only one way too say that!" he frowns and visibly upset. I'm about to speak when his phone start ringing.

"hi!" he smiles answering the phone "Ok... I'll see you then... Love you"

"is Faith ok?" I ask when he hangs up. Guessing that's who was on the phone. "like you care" he mumbles, not even looking at me. "she still with Julie?" Joseph asks "no, she on her way to school, but she'll be back home tonight" he smiles "I'm gonna have to go down to the studio. I was supposed to be there and hour ago" he smiles at my parents and walks put completely ignoring me.

"now look what you've done!" mother says I a hush yet stern tone. "me!? All I did was say what everybody else's is thinking and..."

"and upset your brother in the process. maybe you should try keeping your opinions to yourself for change" she cuts me off "so your siding with him?.. Again" I say that last part sarcastically. "not, but that doesn't mean I want all my children fighting and ganging up on each other"

"I wasn't ganging up on..."

"yes you were! First Jackie now you!"

"well shouldn't that tell him something?" I raise and eyebrow, folding my arms "don't give your mother and attitude!" Joseph snaps at me "now go and apologise to your brother"


"now!" he snaps and I hear Michael's car driving away from the house "he's already gone. Guess it'll have to wait" I shrug and he frowns and me not saying anything and I sigh getting up "fine, I'll go find him" I roll my eyes leaving the room and go get dressed.

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