Bail out

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Faith's POV

I'm about to get ready to leave and my mother calls me back "your fathers on the phone!" And I quickly rush over excitedly to the phone "hi dad!" I smile down the phone "hey sweetie...Umm..listen, Britney's family's coming over this weekend and their having this party so I can't ..."

"your blowing me off again!?" I snap cutting him off. "I'm sorry sweetie it was kinda a last minute thing and..." I slam the phone down not bothering to wait for his usual lame ass excuses not to see me. "everything ok?" My mother asks. Even though she can clearly tell is NOT "dads cancelled again" I sigh disappointed. I haven't seen him in so long and I was really looking forward to our father, daughter weekend he promised. "doesn't surprise me...David never was the reliable type" she shrugs "by the way, me and Fernando our going out for away tonight so we won't be back till tomorrow. You'll be ok by yourself right?"

"Yeah I'll be fine" I sigh and fake a smile at her "I have to go, I'm gonna be late for school"

" ya Hun"


I get in my car and immediately burst into tears. Love? This is what my parents call love? Am I really that bad of a person to be around they just abandon me every chance they get. My dad would rather spend time with his latest bit of skirt and partying and as for My mother! She could clearly see how upset I was. she could have at least offered to stay home tonight to make sure I was ok instead of leaving me alone all night to be with her latest boyfriend. She didn't even try to talk to me she was to busy thinking her night out with Fernando to care about me. Im so sick of always playing second best to everything and everyone in everybody's lives. My phone beeps bringing me from my thoughts. And I look down to read the text.

From: Michael- Hey baby girl, you still coming over? Xxxx

To: Michael- On my way xxxx

I pull myself together and start the car. At least there's somebody who actually wants to spend time with me


Michael's POV

I smile excitedly and rush outside when I see Faith pulling up to the house. "hey! I was worried you weren't coming"

"I told you I would" she smiles wrapping her arms around me tightly and kisses me softly


we're sat cuddling on the sofa watching a movie and my phone rings "hey Quincy, what's up?"

"just letting you know I managed to changed all your meetings to Friday. They were all pretty pissed about it but I told them you had and a family emergency so they didn't ask to many questions"

"Well this was more important then my meetings. I'm sure they'll get over it" I shrug down the phone "thanks again for this"

I finish the call and go back to faith "is everything ok?" She asks cuddling back up to me "mhm..Quincy just canceled some meetings and changed them for Friday for me so I could have the day free to spend with you" I smile wrapping my arms back around her pulling her close and kiss her softly. She breaks away and sits up to face me. "what's wrong?" I ask confused "you canceled your plans for me?"

"of course I did! I haven't seen you in three days. I've missed you" I smile "I've missed you too" She fakes a smile at me and I stroke the side of her face with my thumb and look into her eyes. "you promised me you wouldn't do that" I say softly talking about her faking a smile "nobody's ever done that for me before" She sighs and looks at the ground "It's always the other way around. Work first then personal me last" I lift her head so she's face me. "I'll never do that. your more important to me that some meeting. And your always going to come first for me" I smile kissing her and she pulls away again. "what's wrong?" I asks confused why she keeps moving away "why don't we go up stairs?" She smiles and I nod smiling back taking her hand.


Faith's POV

we get upstairs and things quickly start heating up between us. We undress each other and Michael leads me towards the bed laying on top of me, kissing and nibbling slightly on my neck. He positions himself against my entrance and even though I do want to go though with this. my nerves suddenly kick in and I take his huge and fully hard manhood in my hand moving him away slightly and begin slowly moving my hand up and down on his shaft and he moans onto my lips moving his hand between my legs.


Michael's POV

As much as I really enjoy touching and having oral sex with Faith, I have to admit I was a little disappointed that things didn't go any further. She clearly wanted to, but I'm guessing she just got nervous or something because it would have been her first time which was why I didn't try and take things any further and make her feel uncomfortable. Even though I was a little disappointed. I know that it will happen eventually and knowing that I'm going to be her first makes it worth the wait.

we hang out for awhile then Faith leaves to go and do some stuff, but she'll be back later this evening because she'll be spending the night.

"so what do you guys want for lunch?" Kai my cook smiles when I walk into the kitchen. "actually it's just me. Faith had to go and do some stuff. But she'll be back later. "things are getting pretty serious between you guys now huh?" She smiles and I nod smiling through pursed lips. Kai makes me somthing to eat and we continue talking and I notice my new housekeeper standing by the door . "may I help you with something?" I ask and she shakes her head "I was just wondering. is there anything in particular you need me to do today Mr Jackson?" She asks and I shake my head. "Just dusting and vacuuming same as always" I shrug and I turn back to and continue for conversation with Kai. "so what exactly happened did she say anything?"

"nah, she just kinda moved away slightly"

"well try not to worry about it. Girls always get nervous the first time" she smiles through pursed lips. Even though Kai is my personal cook, she's worked for me for a long time and we're actually pretty close just like I am with a lot of my staff and security that have worked for me for years which is why I feel comfortable talking to her about this kind of stuff, because even without the confidentiality contract I made her sign when she first got here, I know she wouldn't tell anybody my private business.

we sit talking for a really long time about this and that. And I notice the time. I'm gonna take a shower before she gets here I smile and get up from the counter to leave. "ok, well I'll make something for you guys before I leave and you can just heat it up later"

ok, thanks" I smile leaving the room and I see Maria once again standing in the hall by the kitchen. "all done Mr Jackson" she smiles turning around when she sees me come out. "ok, thanks. I'll see you same time tomorrow" I say walking away. "is their anything else you need me to do before I leave?"

"no, it's fine. I'll see you tomorrow" I sigh heading for the stairs. I know Maria's new and it's good she's always enthusiastic and asks if I need anything else before she leaves, but it's also kind of annoying, especially on days when Faith is coming over to stay because my staff know that I prefer it to be just me and her and tend to leave a little early, but I'm sure she'll pick up on that soon.


Maria's POV

after leave Mr Jackson's house, I call Mrs Owens on my way home.

"I didn't hear him say the name, but he was talking to his cook about a woman who will be spending the night and seemed pretty eager that his staff were gone by the time she gets here"

"did you hear them say anything that would hint who it was? Like another singer or actress or something?"

"they didn't say anything about her work and I didn't hear the name. Just that things were serious between them and she's spending the night"

"it has to be somone famous. Other wise why wouldn't he want his staff to know? You need to get friendly with his cook. If he's talking about her about it, then they must be pretty close. Make sure you call me the second you get any more information"

"will do. Mrs Owens"

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