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Michael's POV

I'm getting ready to go to the studio and I'm really excited about taking Faith with me. I'm always happy when she's there with me, but today is different. I know how much Faith loves to sing, but because of Julie she was never allowed to sing in pubic. I haven't told her yet because I want it to be a surprise, but I'm going to ask her to sing on the track of 'we are the world' not only will it finally give her the chance to sing and be able to share her beautiful voice with the world, but it would also be good for her after everything that happend yesterday. She hasn't said anything about it since she hung up on her mother and I'm guessing it was the shock of everything.

After I've finished my shower I go to my room and Faith is getting dressed and she's still quiet. "you ok?" I ask softly wrapping my arms around her from behind and kiss the side of her neck "mhm" she nods and I break awhile slightly. "you don't feel guilty do you? About what we did last night?... Or this morning do you?"

"of course not" she sighs turning to face me. "good. Because I'd don't" I smile slightly pecking her lips. "do you wanna to talk about it?" I ask softly "I still don't get it. My dad.. Well I thought he was my dad hasn't really been around since I was baby. So why not tell me? And why didn't Jackie tell me? And why spend all her time trying to look for gossip to hurt you to get at Jackie? when she could have said this stuff about him? And if she didn't want me to know then why let me to meet you? She must have known I'd find out if we were talking and..."

"relax" I cut her off placing my hands on her shoulders. "Jackie said you can call him anytime and he'll answer any questions you have. And you meeting me probably didn't matter to her, because I couldn't have told you anyway.. I didn't know either remember?"

"oh yeah" she frowns remembering she walked in on Jackie telling me. "do you wanna speak to him?" I ask and she shrugs "I do, but I don't. I know that sounds weird"

"that doesn't sounds weird" I say softly. "You've just had this huge bomb dropped on you and you have alot of questions. But if your not ready to speak with Jackie yet. He'd understand. You have alot to take in. Just try and concentrate on today ok?" I smile and she looks at me confused. "why what's today?"

"it's a surprise" I smile kissing her softly then break away. "so you better finish getting ready so we can go"


Faith's POV

I didn't sleep much last night, going over and over everything in my head. My moms called me again this morning and has left me a whole bunch of messages, but I still haven't spoken to her yet. My mom lied and done some shitty things before, but this whole thing still doesn't make sense. why did she do this to me. I understand if whatever was going on between her and Jackie ended badly and her not wanting the media or my dad to know, but I'm her daughter and I had the right to know where I come from. When I was listening to what Jackie was saying to Michael it did upset me when he said not to tell me, but I'm guessing he was just in shock or something at the time like I wad. I also heard Jackie say that my mom didn't want me to find out, but if she didn't then why would she tell me to spend time with Michael to get the dirt on him, surly she would have known there would be a chance that I would have found out, Jackie turning up at Michael's house like that could have happened at anytime, maybe that's why she told me not to speak to Michael any more. I do want to speak to my mom and Jackie and try and get these answers, but there's so many things I don't know where to start. 

I know some people would think it's wrong for Michael and I to stay together after we found out the truth and in a way they'd be right. He's my uncle and I'm his niece, but it's not as simple as that. I love Michael and he loves me and I can't just switch that off. Michael hasn't really mentioned anything about what Jackie said and in a way it's like he's pretending it didn't happen, but then again it make sense that wouldn't effect him the same way it's effected me, because it wasn't him that just found out that everything he's ever known was a lie.

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