Meet the family

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Michael POV

"what are you doing?" I chuckle going to the living room. "cleaning" Faith says not looking up "you do know we have house keepers for that?"

"I know but..."

"baby, relax" I cut her off placing my hands on her shoulders and I can see she's nervous about tonight. "what if they hate me? Or think I'm using you to get gossip or something" She says worriedly. "my mothers not exactly made it easy for me. Every time I meet someone they automatically think that I'm gonna be just like her and with the way she's been with...."

"their not meeting your mother, their meeting you remember? and your nothing like her and don't worry their not gonna hate you. They'll love you, just like I do... Well not exactly like I do, but they'll love you" I smile reassuringly. "but what if..."

"but nothing. Trust me you'll be fine and I'm gonna be there with you remember?"

"you can't leave me alone with any of them" she shakes her head "there not gonna murder you the second my back is turned" I chuckle slightly. "but if it makes you more comfortable, I'll stay with you the whole time. I promise" I smile and pull her into me kissing her softly.


Faith's POV

I'm outside the school nurse waiting for Kylee and I still can't stop worrying about tonight. Michael's tried to reassure me that everything is going to be ok, but I still can't help but worry. What If they hate me being with Michael, because of the whole age thing? Or because of my mom or worst. what if they realise about Jackie. I don't think we look alike, but what of one of then notices and find out?

my thoughts are broken when Kylee comes walking out of the nurses office looking annoyed "what did she say?"

"nope!" She frowns "I thought for sure I was pregnant this time. I slept with that Rob guy three times and that's just this week and..."

"wait I thought you said James?" I look at her confused "oh, who cares what his name is. It's not his name I want" she shrugs "so what about you?" She sighs disappointed "no" I shake my head. "aren't you living with that Jack guy?" She frowns confused. "well yeah, but we don't do it everyday" I shrug"well you should or else it's never gonna happen and remeber if he tries to use a condom, pierce a hole through it before he notices, like I do with guys"

"yes I know! You said that already and I told you we don't use anything" I roll my eyes. "We made a pact remember? Your not backing out are you?"

"of course not!" I lie "it just hasn't happened yet, same as you" I shrug. "good, because once you make a pact you can't break it"

"I know" I fake a smile at her "I can't wait we'll both be pregnant together! How awesome is that!?" She smiles excitedly. I know it was a stupid pact me and her made and she's right about not breaking a pact, but this time it's different and I'm actually glad I'm not pregnant. I love Michael and I know he'd make a great father, but with things how they are, it changes everything. I'm sure Kylee would understand if I told her, but I really don't want this getting out.


Kathrine's POV

I'm in the kitchen cooking and LaToya comes in and sits at the table. "I just spoke to Michael, him and Faith will be here in about an hour and everybody else is already here" she sighs. "good, this should be ready by the time they get here"

"I don't like this at all" she shakes her head "well neither do I, but there's not alot we can do about it now" I say continuing making dinner "I should have asked if she ate meat" I sigh only just realising Faith could be vegetarian. "do you think she does?" I turn to LaToya "Michael didn't say"

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