Family time

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Julie's POV

"what the hell are you talking about!? You can't just move my talk show to another time slot!" I frown at John "I run this whole station and actually I can and I am"

"but why who's gonna watch in the middle of the afternoon except lazy bums that have zero life!" I frown. "with your ratings dropping I'm gonna have to replace you for another show, unless you can get your ratings back up and you have a month to do so. It's nothing personal. It's just business" he shrugs "but..."

"maybe if you started bringing Faith with you during some of your news reviews again, it could really help you out. People love seeing her little cameos" he cuts me off "but I told you. I'm keeping her out of the public eye for awhile so she can concentrate on her school" I lie. Faith hasn't been coming to work with me for a few weeks now and with people constantly asking about her I had to make up a story about wanting to keep her out of the spot light for awhile.

"I'm gonna be honest with you Julie. Most people don't tune in to see you. They tune in to see Faith"

"but this is my show and it's not like she was on it all the time" I frown, getting even more pissed off everybody keeps talking about her "I know that, but the public love her and they only really tune in to see if she's gonna be on the show this week"

"well she won't be making any special appearances and my show does great even without her rare appearances" I point out and he sighs "can I be honest with you? The only reason people know who you are is because you were on that teen mom show all those years ago and the public has been watching Faith grow up in the media and..."

"don't talk to me about the media. I am the media remember!?" I cut him off cockily "then you'll understand that without Faith your 15 minutes of fame is up" he cuts me off "that's not..."

"actually it is..." he cuts me off again "like you said your the media, so you should already know that no Faith means no interest, unless there's a good scandal or something you can do before your fame drops completely" he shrugs and leaves my office before I can speak. Not that there much I can really say to that. He's right. I only got famous because of that little brat and unless I can convince her to come back my show it's will be moved and eventually cancelled. There are scandals I could leak out there, but not any that would make me look good, but if I can get some concrete proof about Michael sleeping with Faith it'll work great in my favour. He'll look like a pervert that takes advantage of young girls and not only will it ruin Michael's career, but by playing the heartbroken mother to an abused child would really boost my popularity again and I wouldn't have to mention about Jackie and me. Now all I have to do is find some proof. I have Maria as a witness, but I'm gonna need more than that for this to stick.


Faith's POV

Michael and I are going to a barbecue at his parents today and will be spending the night. I know technically these people are my family, but in a way it's feels weird because I've only met them all once and now I'm going to be spending the whole day with them and even staying the night at their house. But in another way it's really nice because I never had any kind of family days before because my mom and dad were always busy or working, plus apart from my great grandmother, I have no clue who my mothers family is. The Jackson's on the other hand seem to be really close and actually wanna get to know me which is a huge difference from what I'm used to.

We're sitting in the kitchen and Michael is giving me a run down of everybody who's going to be there. "... And Janet who you already met"

"yeah, she seemed really nice" I smile "yeah, I noticed you two got along" he smiles back "And Jackie's wife Enid will be there this time. She's nice, but I should warn you. When she drinks she gets really annoying and talks way to much and starts getting into really personal stuff, so try not to let her get you alone" he chuckles "she doesn't know does she?" I ask he shakes his head "don't worry, she just thinks me and you are friends. She doesn't know about Jackie " he reassures me. "so it's definitely only your close family that knows about him and about us?"

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