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Diana's POV

I haven't spoken to Michael since our conversation at the aftershow party and I do feel bad about the thing's I said to him and I could see why he was so upset by what I was saying, but I was just trying to make him see sense. I understand that Michael is an adult and can make his own decisions, but he's is and always has been very naive when it comes to people and doesn't seem to understand that not everybody is as kind and accepting as he likes to believe they are.

It's probably because he's been so sheltered growing up and still very much is. He has so many people around him, yet nobody will ever just tell him no and if he messes up people will just fix the problem and then let it go and that's the problem. He's never done anything truly bad or anything to hurt anybody because it's not in his nature, but having so many people around him sheltering him the way they do is making it difficult for him to grow up and understand the real world and the people in it.

I know what i'm about to is drastic, but I've tried talking to Michael just like his family has and tried to make him see sense and he isn't listening to any of us and this is my last resort to break them up. I understand that Michael cares alot for Faith and will be upset and probably hate me at first, but in the long he'll finally see sense and realise that I'm doing this for his own good.


Michael's POV

I've been working at the studio alot lately and I feel pretty guilty about it because with me working all the time, I haven't really spend much time with Faith or been able to give her as much attention as I should and want to, so I'm talking the day off to spend some time with her. She knows I have to work alot and She's always been really understanding about it, but even though she never says anything about it, it must still bother her especially with her being home most of the time.

I do want to take her with me to the studio and even simple things like going out for lunch, but every time, we're always surrounded by the paparazzi and the media and it scares me the way they crowd around especially towards her and I always panic that she might get hurt and I really don't want to risk any harm coming to her or our baby.

I'm just finishing off breakfast and Faith comes into the kitchen. "good morning" I smile pulling her in and pecking her lips. "you both sleep ok?"

"mhm, as always" she smiles kissing me back. "you felt any movement yet?"

"Not yet, I think we have a while before all that" she giggles "I can't wait to feel it's first kick" I smile. "me neither, I can't wait for the next scan" she says excitedly.

"I still remember the first time looking at that screen and seeing our child for the first time" I sigh contently. "I still can't believe I didn't know I was pregnant" she giggles. "I'm glad you didn't. I think the way we found out was perfect" I smile pulling her in closer and kiss her, then break away. "breakfast is almost ready" I smile turning back to what I was doing and she smiles and walks over to the breakfast bar. "actually I was thinking since it's such a lovely day, we could eat breakfast outside today" I turn to her and she smiles agreeing.


We're sat outside eating breakfast and I sigh rolling my eyes when my phone starts ringing and I see it's Quincy and hang up, putting the phone back on my pocket. "who was that?" Faith asks. "just Quincy"

"so why didn't you answer?" She frowns confused. "because I took the day off work to spend to spend time just me and you and I intend to keep it that way" I smile pecking her lips "Awww, that so sweet" she coos kissing me back.


Faith's POV

It's the middle of the afternoon and so far and Michael have had a great day. We mainly just hung out around the house, but I love these moments when it's just the two of us because I get to have Michael all to myself.

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