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Faith's POV

The documentary me and my mum did finally aires today and I've been so excited all day it's a real heart warming story about the families we met.

After school I quickly head home and take a shower then sat down to watch. The documentary begins and my jaw dropped and my blood boiled as I continue watching. 'How could she do this?' I shake my head in disbelief. After it was over I began pacing around the house waiting and the door finally opens

"we're home!" I hear my mom shout cheerily "HOW THE FUCK COULD YOU  DO THAT!?" I scream storming over "Faith!" Fernando turns to me shocked "STAY OUT OF THIS!" I snap and turn my attention back to my mom "what's the problem?" Shrugs "WHAT'S THE PROBLEM? YOU COMPLETELY FUCKED THOSE PEOPLE OVER!!"

" saw it then?" She smirks and I scoff at her disgusted "sweetie that whole feel good thing was never gonna get the viewers watching. All I did was make it better. She shrugs smiling. "BETTER!? YOU MADE THEM ALL LOOK LIKE A BUNCH OF LAZY FREE LOADERS!!"

"be fair they are all living on welfare and using our tax dollars to live the easy life" She laughs slightly under her breath "I just showed the rest of the world what their really like" she shrugs "NO THEY WASN'T!! I WORKED MY ASS OFF DOING THAT DOCUMENTARY AND YOU FUCKED ME OVER JUST LIKE YOU DID ALL THEM PEOPLE!!"

" THAT'S ENOUGH!" She snaps frowning at me "Faith, your not exactly in a position to get mad about being fucked over now are you?" She folds her arms raising an eyebrow and I look at her confused "the name Michael ring a bell?"

"what does he have to do with anything?" I mutter slightly nervous she'd bring him up. "I gave you one job! Get the dirt on the Michael and you couldn't even do that!" 

"you told me you didn't want me too anymore" I frown confused. "yeah well... That was because it had been two weeks and you gave me nothing. You were In house for gods sake! And you left with nothing! Not a single bit of useful information that I could write about"

"don't dare try to turn this on me! You screwed me over and edited that documentary after you saw how hard I worked on it!!" I snap and Fernando stands between us trying to calm the situation "look maybe we should all calm down get some coffee and talk..."

"FUCK THAT! I have nothing more to say to this BITCH!" I yell cutting him off and storm up to my room and my mom follows me yelling "what has gotten into you lately!?" She snaps and I roll my eyes turning to face her "I JUST TOLD YOU!" I snap getting even more worked up. "no! This has been going on for weeks. you've been nothing but a selfish spoilt little bitch.....are you on drugs? ...oh my god it's drugs isn't it!!?" She gasps covering her face with her palm. "are you serious!?" I frown. She's about to speak when Fernando walks in. "Julie I'm pretty sure she's not on drugs" he says softly, trying to calm the situation "well there's something she's hiding" She turns back to me "so what is it? If it's not drugs. Because I know there is something. I am a journalist remember? I can tell when someone's hiding something"

"IT'S YOU!!!" I scream "You fuck me over every chance you get!" She rolls eyes and sighs heavily "oh my god!!! Are you still whining about that fucking documentary?" I get up and start heading for the door and they both follow close behind. "where do you think your going?" She asks storming down the stairs "to get more drugs!!!" I smirk at her sarcastically "fine!! whatever! You go have your little fucking tantrum see if I care" she snaps. "Faith just c'mon back inside and let's all just calm down and talk" Fernando says softly. "talk? if she wants to throw a little bitch fit then leave her to it!" My mom scoffs at him "Julie, she's your daughter and she's upset" I look at her for a moment hoping to see some kind of compassion from her "she's a spoilt little brat is what she is!" And With that I turn and leave slamming the door behind me without saying another word.

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