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Jackie's POV

"So how much longer is all this gonna take?"  Michael asks our lawyer. "Well we have the court hearing next week so it won't  much longer, there's no proof to say that Julie's signature was forged or any other claims she's making. All the court's will see is that she adopted your daughter to you two and is probably just having second thoughts or something" he explains to Faith and Michael.

"But what if they believe her?" I ask. "It's unlikely since everybody the police have spoken to are giving the same story you guys have, even the doctors that delivered the baby are saying it was a home birth and they witnessed Julie willing hand Faith and Michael the baby and, plus I've said I saw Julie physically sign the adoption papers myself and there's no reason to doubt any of you is lying"

"What about the visits? Do we still have to do that?" Michael asks. "If the court's side with you two which they most likely will. Then the two of you will still have full custody and since it was a closed adoption, legally you don't have to allow either Julie or Jackie any kind of access and if you do then you can decide to stop that contact anytime you want"

"What do you mean 'if' the court's side with them?" I cut in "like I said before. You have a really good case and evidence and witnesses to back up everything your saying, but there's always that tiny possibility"

"So would could still lose her?" Faith croaks and Michael puts his arms around her to comfort her. "But it's unlikely?" I continue and he nods. "What if she does win? Would we have to hand her over? Or get to see her again?" Faith asks. "If Julie wins and that's a big IF then she will gain full custody and what I just said to you two will apply to Julie instead"

"So we won't see her again?" Michael croaks. "What about me?" I ask "well.. as Precious's birth father, you will have legal rights to access"

"And would I be allowed to let them see her?" I ask and he nods. "But that's all an unlikely scenario and.. "

"But it's not impossible" Faith cuts in and I swallow a large lump in my throat seeing Faith and Michael sitting there, Trying desperately not to break down.

Once we leave out lawyers office, Faith and Michael still look really worried. "It's gonna be ok. You heard what he said in there. You two have a really good case" I smile slightly through pursed lips. "That doesn't mean we can't still lose Precious" Michael mutters "you won't. He said himself it was an unlikely scenario and if it does happen then we'll find away to get her back for you and you'll get to see her. I'd never let Julie take her away like that"

"We'd never stop you seeing her. You know that right?" Faith cuts in and I nod and smile through pursed lips. "And I'm truly thankful for that"

I know alot of people will think it's strange that after everything I went through not having Faith in my life, I'd hand over and sign away my rights to another child, but this is completely different and I know I'm doing this for all the right reasons and I know Faith and Michael will never stop me being in Precious's life no matter what.

I did try and get full custody of Faith in the beginning, but according to the court's they said that they can't just take a child away from it's mother based on the fact Julie was a nasty person when we're were kids and weren't going to take a baby from one teenager to hand it over to another especially since I had no proof of Julie being a bad mother and as stupid as I was back then, I actually started to believe they were right. From what I'd seen of Julie an Faith on that teen mom show and how she seemed in the media, Faith looked really well looked after and cared for and had two parents that loved her and that's the reason I signed my right over, but when I finally met Faith and heard a completely different story, there's no way I'm gonna let Julie have another one of my children. She never cared about Faith and just used her to make money and get famous and the fact that she was willing to actually sell her baby at the beginning until she realised she could make more money by keeping her shows she clearly doesn't give shit about this on either.

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