A wild party

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Miranda's pov

I rush over to Rachel and hug her tight, probably confusing the heck out of her but oh well. "Hurry up, they're waiting for us!" I gasp, grabbing her hand. "What? Hold up! What are you talking about!?" She cries, pulling free. "Jason and his band, they want us to ride with them!" I explain, excited. "In that case, let's go!" She says and we quickly take off for the bus. Jason is standing on the steps. "Aw there's my two favorite roadies." He says, smiling. "Come on. The party's just getting started." He says, waving us up. We ascend the steps and join the party. Five TVs all with different football games. A buffet table. A cooler full of beer. And a bunch of other stars. Luke, Blake, Eric, Brad, Lee. All the guys are sitting in front of the TVs watching the games. "Wow, some party ya got here!" I gape. "Well duh, it's football weekend." Jason says, grabbing a beer and sitting down. I'm a little tired so I lay down on an unoccupied couch and fall asleep.

Jason's pov

Blake nudges my shoulder. "Your crush is asleep." He says. "She ain't my crush man!" I gripe, glaring at him. How can she sleep out here with all the noise? I'll move her to a bunk in the back where it'll be quieter.

Tully's pov

Jason gets up and carries the sleeping girl in the back while the other girl is in the bathroom. "Ok, we all know Jason likes the brunette but what does everyone think about the red head, her friend, uh Rachel?" Lee asks. I wouldn't mind getting cozy with her but I keep my mouth shut while they share their opinions. Rachel comes back out so they stop talking. She sits beside me and leans back, my arm on the back of the couch barely touches her head. "So who's winning?" She asks. "It better be the bulldogs." Jason says, coming back out. We're down by four with ten minutes to go in the third quarter. He grabs a beer and sits back down to enjoy the game. "Hey, Rachel, are you.... Uh.... By any chance single?" I ask. "Single and ready to mingle, good sir." She replies, making me smile. "What about your friend? She single too?" Jason asks, pointing with his beer can down the hall. "Yep, she's single too. Tully are you trying to tell me something?" She asks. Instantly my face flushes with color and beads of sweat forms on my forehead. We hit a huge pot hole and she falls over, landing in my lap, only making me even more super nervous. We lock eyes. "S-Sorry Tully." She mumbles, standing up. "It's okay." I say, grabbing her hand. "You can sit on my lap if you want. The couch is pretty crowded."

Jason's pov

Smooth move. I'm trying hard not to laugh. Both of them obviously like each other but they're both nervous as hell and afraid to make the first move. I turn my attention back to the TV as the other team, the cardinals, make a touchdown. "Darn it! We're gonna lose!" Blake grumbles. "Naw, I think the bulldogs will pull through." Brad says, confidently. That guy's always thinking positively, definitely a great guy.

*the next day*

Miranda's pov

What the? How'd I get here? I stumble off the cot and go out to the now empty TV room. Rachel wakes up a few seconds later. "Hey Rach, did I sleep walk again because I somehow ended up in a bunk." I ask her. She smiles as we start cleaning up from the party. "Nope, Jason carried you to the bunk. He though it would be easier to sleep since it wasn't as loud." Jason carried me! Oh wow. Nervous again! "S-So the bulldogs won?" "Yep, and you shoulda seen the boys at the very end of the game. It was very close, they were literally on the edge of their seats. Oh and Tully asked me to sit in his lap. It was awesome!" I drop the plate in shock. "Dude, I think he likes you." I say. "Me too. And Jason likes-" "What are you guys doing?" I turn around surprised. Jason stands there blinking in the light, still half asleep. His shirt is off, revealing his chest and my legs feel like mush being this close to extreme hotness. "I uh... We were cleaning up from last night." I manage to say. He shakes his head. "We've got people for that. You're our guests." He says, scratching his chest and walking over. "Oh uh..." I'm so nervous talking to him. He takes the bag from my hands. "You were pretty tired last night." He says. I see Rachel out of the corner of my eye, a hand over her mouth, eyes wide. "Yeah, I was having so much fun at the concert... I guess it just wore me out." I say as nonchalantly as I can. He glances out the window. "What do ya say I ask the bus driver to stop and we go grab some breakfast. You, me, Tully, and Rachel." She stares at Jason shocked. "Y-Yeah sure that'd be nice." I stammer. He smiles. "Cool, we've got like 5 miles til the next exit, so we got plenty of time. I'll go get Tully up." He says, walking back. I sit on the couch. Rachel sits beside me. "Did Jason just ask you out?" She gapes. "I-I think so. And invited you and Tully." Her cheeks get really red. "Are you two a couple now?" I ask. "I don't know. Last night as we watched football, I sat in his lap but that's all it was."

Jason's pov

"Tully wake up. We got a date to get to." I say, shaking him. "What are you talking about?" He mumbles, covering his face with the pillow. I move it. "You're too cowardly to make a move last night so I did it for ya. Me and Miranda and you and Rachel are going to breakfast in about 5 miles." I explain. He shoots up, hitting his head on the bunk above him. "Jason, you drive me crazy!" He gripes. I smirk. "Well, I know ya like her. And I didn't want her slipping through your fingers like the last girl you crushed on. We have a week to convince them to stay with us. Think you can do it?" He nods. "I gotta get a shower. I stink after last night's show." He says, getting up. "You and me both man, so don't use up all the hot water." I reply, sitting on his bunk. He nods and heads to the bathroom.

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