Attack of the jerk kind

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Rachel's pov

"Hey Rach, we're gonna be late!" Sierra calls. "I'm trying!" I call back. "Where is it?! Where is it?!" I whimper, terrified. "What's wrong?" She asks, appearing in the doorway. The tears fall freely. "My wedding ring! I can't find my wedding ring!" I whimper, sobbing. "Hey Rach calm down. We'll find it. I'll help you look." I say, hugging her. Then Sierra screams, staring at the window. I turn around and scream too because my worst nightmare is staring back at me. Dean.

Miranda's pov

I glance at my watch really worried. Rachel is never late. And if she's gonna be she calls and tells me. I run and find Jason. I grab his shirt fearfully. "Whoa, baby what's wrong?" He gasps, surprised. "Rachel and Sierra aren't here." I say, trying not to panic. "Sweetheart, they're probably just running late. Don't worry so much." He says, tuning his guitar. "No, she'd call me. I know some thing is wrong. I need to find out. Jason please I'm so scared." He bites his lip and glances at the stage. "I don't know hun, I've gotta go on in a few hours." "Please!" "Oh alright. But I'm sure they're fine." He says, setting down the guitar. He calls to his band and we head to his truck. My hands are clasped together tightly. He reaches over and holds one. "Sweety, calm down. I'm sure there's nothing to worry ab- what the hell!?" He cries as we reach Rachel's house. The windows are smashed and the front door is wide open with shattered glass and torn clothes all over the ground. "No! I knew something was wrong!" I scream, hitting my knees, cutting it on some glass. "Oh man!" He gasps, wrapping his arms around me. "See! I told you! Now what do we do!? I'm so scared." He pulls his hat lower. "Now we find them. No one fucks with my family and gets away with it." He growls, furiously. He helps me stand back up and we get back in his truck. He calls Kurt. "Man, we have a big problem. The show's cancelled. Rachel and Sierra are missing and by the looks of the house, they've been kidnapped." A pause as Kurt says something. "I know. I won't rest until they're back home safe and sound." Another pause. "I know you're scared man, I am too. But you need to pull yourself together. We need to-" another pause. "Ok good. You look there. We'll try the lake. And Kurt, we will find them or my name ain't Jason Aldean. And I know it is. I checked." I roll my eyes.

Rachel's pov

I've never been so scared in my whole life except the first time he attacked me. Sierra stares at him with devil eyes as he walks around us. "You're a new girl. I've never seen you with my girlfriend before." "Oh go suck a cactus, buttbreath!" She growls. "Ooh fiesty. Just how I like 'em." He says, smirking. The rope digs into my arms. "And she isn't your girlfriend. She's married to Jason." He plays with her hair and I've never seen a girl so pissed off. She swings her leg forward, kicking him in the nuts. He falls down and a knife skids over to me. I skillfully use my feet to get it to my hands. I cut the rope, best I can and am cutting Sierra's when a hand is on my shoulder. "Should I be afraid to turn around?" I whimper, shutting my eyes tight. Whoever it is stabs me in the side. Sierra screams and pulls free of the ropes.

Sierra's pov

Oh now it's on. It's on like donkey Kong. It's on like white on rice. It's on like stink on shit! I scream and kick him in the face then I hit my knees beside Rachel. "Don't worry Rachel. I'm a doctor. You'll be okay." I whimper, turning her over. I carefully pull the knife out of the wound and hold pressure on it. Her eyes flutter closed. "Hey stay with me. You're losing a lot of blood. You have to stay awake!" I cry, panicked. Just then someone hits me in the back of the head and I black out.


I wake up in a hospital bed screaming Rachel's name. Tully jumps out of his seat and hugs me. "Oh thank God you're okay!" He cries. "Is Rachel-" he silences me with a kiss. "Rachel's fine baby girl. Oh man, I'm so glad you're home." "What happened?" Jason walks through the door a bandage wound around his leg and he has a limp. Fear sits in my stomach like a rock. "I found you guys as a mother fucker hit you in the head with a 2×4." He says, furious. "Are you okay?" I ask. He nods. "Just a bullet to the knee. Doc says it should heal up in a couple weeks." He leans against the wall. The door bursts open again and my best friend for life runs in. "Suck a cactus. That's like the best insult ever!" She says and hugs me. We both laugh. "Oh man, I missed the show." I mumble, glaring at the bed sheets. They all laugh. "Silly, we all missed the show, trying to find you girls. And don't worry the son of a bitch who kidnapped you and Rachel is back behind bars." Jason says, wrapping an arm around Miranda. "Where he belongs." She says. "Where he'll stay." Jason says, wincing in pain. Oh poor Jason. "Go get my pain meds please." He says. She nods and kisses his cheek then leaves to get them. He sits down. "I feel so bad you got hurt saving me." "Don't. I'd do it a million times over. We're best friends. Nothing will ever change that." "I'm so glad to be your friend." He smiles. "Me too." Tully kisses my forehead just as Miranda returns with his pills and a doctor. "Hey Sierra. How are you feeling?" "Hey Dana. And I'm feeling completely drained." "I'll get you some water. You're probably thirsty." She says, smiling. I never realized how badly I was but I am. She leaves. Jason and Miranda leave. Tully sits beside me on the bed. He hands me a ring. "I've been meaning to give this to ya." He says. My eyes go wide. "Tully are you proposing?" I gasp. He smiles and nods. "I am so excited to be Mrs. Tully Kennedy!" I cry, hugging him tight. Miranda runs back in hearing my scream. She smiles. "It's about time Mr. Bassist." She teases. "Tully finally asked her?" Jason asks, walking in. "Yep." She says, kissing him. I do the same for Tully, my bass playing, doctor lovin' cowboy.

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