A fight

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Jason's pov

I go tell Tully what all just went down. "No! This is horrible! No offense Jason but I despise your girlfriend." "Funny. She said the same thing about you." I growl, crossing my arms. "Now my girl's pissed at me for defending you!" "I didn't ask you to get involved." "I was trying to help you!" "They shouldn't get so mad. Cheatin' really ain't a crime." Oh man, this guy never learns. "Are you really gonna be that hard headed?!" He nods. "If she doesn't want me, fine. I'm sure I can get over her the best I can."

Miranda's pov

We finally rest at a nearby outdoor coffee shop. The steam in my veins gone. Then Gina walks up and grabs Rachel's shoulder. She freezes in her chair unsure of who it is. "Stay away from Tully." Gina hisses. Rachel's eyes fill with anger. She stands up. "First off bitch, you can have him. I am through with his cheating ass. Second off, you fucking are dead for hurting my friend!!" She yells, grabbing her shirt and walking, forcing her to walk backwards, a shocked expression on her face. I've never seen Rachel act like this! I chase after them. I'm glad she is finally standing up for herself. "Tully never loved you! You were just his little fuck buddy!" Gina yells and I can tell Rachel is about to cry from that comment but she surprisingly holds her ground. "Well that makes you my bitch. Since he woulda chosen me if I didn't reject him." She says, smirking. Gina's jaw drops, fire in her icy blue eyes. Things are about to get ugly. I walk over. "Hey Gina remember me?" I growl. She looks up and the color drains from her face. "Yeah that's right. I'm alive! Tully.... Saved me." My eyes go wide. Tully saved my life and I was just now bad mouthing him. I feel horrible. I quickly recover so I can protect Rachel if need be. "I'm not afraid to show you what little girls are made of and it ain't no God damned sunshine and lollie fucking pops." I growl, popping my knuckles.

Jason's pov

Suddenly the TV cuts to a news bulletin. "We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you live from the Nash icon coffehouse, a very rated R cuss match." Oh jeez. The cameras go to Gina, Rachel, and Miranda. I better stop this. I drive down there and push the camera man out of the way. "Move aside official boyfriend business." She spins around. "What's going on?" "The damn paparazzi was filming you. You're little fight was on the news!" I walk over after closing the door. "Now what's going on?" "Nothing. Just putting a bitch in her place." Rachel says, glaring at Gina. "Oh fuck you." Gina snarls. I pull both girls apart. "Cussing each other out isn't going to get us anywhere!" I snap, standing in between them. "You're right." Gina says. "But this'll get us somewhere." Now I'm confused. "What are you talking about?" I ask, facing her. She grabs my shirt and kisses me. Whoa! What the hell!? I stumble back, shocked. My whole body burning with rage! Or is it passion. What the? I shake away the odd thoughts and focus on being pissed off. "You know Gina I've never hit a girl but you're damn sure close to being the first!" I scream. But Miranda beats me to it as she punches her in the face and they get in a cat fight! Both looking really hot doing it. Suddenly Miranda grabs Gina's shirt and it rips. I should cover my eyes but I can't stop myself from watching. I should stop them. By the time I come to my senses, she's already knocked Gina out cold. Her shirt completely torn open and I'm about to blow a gasket. I have never witnessed something like that before. "What do we do when the cops get here?" Rachel asks as we sneak away. "I'll gladly step up and say yeah I beat her up for laying her lips on my man." I'm still a little out of it after all that. When Gina kissed me, my body didn't burn with anger, it burned with passion. I don't know why I'm thinking this but I want her to kiss me again. Maybe this is how she roped them all in. She's a damn good kisser. But I don't love her. I shake the thoughts and grab her hand. "That was awesome babe." "Yep, nobody makes a move on my boyfriend and not expect an ass beating." She growls still furious. I hope she isn't still mad at me. She would be if she knew what I was thinking earlier.

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