A big problem

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Jason's pov

I sit up when I hear my phone ring for the third time in the last five minutes. "Who keeps on calling you?" "Who cares?" I kiss her again and lay back down after turning my phone off.

Sierra's pov

"It's okay, Rach. I'll get you to the hospital. She went into labor and I've been trying to call Jason and Miranda but neither of them will answer. Jenny and Sam are already in the truck. I help Rachel in the car and take off fast. Tully already told the police that we're gonna be speeding because of it. I try calling him but this time it goes straight to voicemail. "God Dammit!" I yell, throwing the phone. Rachel screams in pain again.

Miranda's pov

I glance at my phone. 8 missed calls from Sierra. Why is she calling me so much? I think for a second. "Jason, what was Rachel's due date?" I ask. He opens his eyes. I can tell he's trying to think. "What's today?" He asks. "The 8th." His eyes go wide. "Oh damn. It was yesterday! No wonder they've been calling!" Then I hear a familiar voice cry out. Oh no, that's Rachel! I quickly get dressed and am about to run out the door when it opens. Oh shit. Luckily only Jason's shirt is off. "What's going on in here?" The nurse asks. Me and Jason lock eyes. "Oh never mind." She grumbles, opening the door wider as they wheel Rachel in! Just as I thought, she's gone into labor. Sierra runs in seconds later. She stops short seeing us. "What the? There you guys are! I've been calling you the last 3 hours!" She shouts angrily. "Uh...." But I have no idea what to say. Jason puts his shirt back on. "We should go." He whispers, grabbing my elbow. "What? I'm not leaving her!" I cry. "Yes you are." Sierra says. "What? Why?" I gasp, shocked. "You were too busy fucking around to answer your damn phones when we needed help!" The next thing I know I'm shoved out into the hall. I scream in anger and fear. I punch the door until Jason pulls me back. "Let go of me!" I yell, trying to kick free. "Stop it! There's nothing you can do right now!" He shouts, straining to hold me in place. "I need to be there! She's my best friend!" "She's in good hands." I pull free. "LET ME IN!" I yell, pounding on the door again. "Miranda stop it!" He shouts grabbing my wrists. I'm breathing heavily by the time I realize how crazy I'm being. I hit my knees crying. "I should've been there." I whimper, crying in my hands. "Baby, there's nothing we can do now. Might as well go to the waiting room." He says, kneeling down in front of me. "I'm a horrible best friend." "No you're not!" We go to the waiting room. I cry into Jason's chest. He holds me while I cry.

Sierra's pov

I pace the floor while they take her back for a c section. Even though I'm mad at them, I should tell them what's going on. I go to the waiting room and she looks up seeing me. "Oh my gosh Sierra, is Rachel okay?" She whimpers terrified. "She's had to be taken back for a c section." I say, trying to be calm. "I'm so sorry. I should've been there." She says.

Jason's pov

"Yeah, you should've." She gripes, crossing her arms. Dammit, she's already upset, why make it worse?! "We didn't know. Stop getting mad at her!" I shout. "Well, it's true! You would've known if you would've answered your stupid phones!!" She yells, shoving me. Something inside me just snaps.

Sierra's pov

"You lay your hands on me again, it ain't gonna end well!" He growls. "Oh is that a threat?" I gripe, sarcastically. "Yeah it is." He snaps, glaring at me. "I don't believe you." "I don't care if you do or not." I've about had enough of his selfishness. I yell at him and shove him again. He shockingly slaps me in the face. I back up shocked. The room goes silent. "Not as badass as ya think huh princess." "You hit her! I thought you said you had that under control!" Miranda cries. "I warned her not to touch me again." He says.

Jason's pov

I know I shouldn't have slapped her but she pushed me to my breaking point. "I do have it under control. I was in control when I did that!" I gripe, glaring at her. "He isn't better. He's just gonna hurt you too." Sierra says. My eyes go wide. "No! I won't!" "How can I trust you? You just slapped her!" "Because she deserved it!" "No she didn't!" Oh shoot. I might've just dug my grave. Just then a doctor walks out. "She's out of surgery." He says. "You stay out here." Miranda says. My jaw drops. I want to protest but I don't want her to be more pissed at me. I stay silent and in the waiting room as they both go back there.

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