A dark side, more fighting, and badassery

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Jason's pov

I grab a beer with Rich and Kurt. Rich is still pretty mad at me with all that crap with Gina since they were 'dating'. "I've never hit a girl before." "It's not right for guys to hit girls. They're weaker than us." Rich says, glaring at me. "Oh get off it man. She was using you to get to me and her little plan worked." "Oh get off your high horse Jason. Not every girl is falling at your feet!" What?! "Dude! I don't want any girl falling at my feet. I only want my girl." He just throws his beer at me and stomps away. "What.... Just..... Happened?" I gape. "He's mad that you moved in on his girl." Kurt says. I'm so annoyed. "I didn't move in on Gina! She moved in on me!" "Whatever man." "Oh screw the both of you." I grumble, getting to my truck.

Miranda's pov

The front door slams open then shut. I walk over to a thoroughly pissed off Jason. "Hey, what happened?" I ask. "The stupid guys in the band being jerks." "What'd they say?" He walks into the kitchen. "I don't want to talk about it." "Well, could you not get so mad then not tell me why you're mad?!" "I told you why I was mad!" He snaps, glaring at me. "No you didn't." He throws his beer and shoves me. "Yes I did!!" I'm shocked. He's never hurt me like that! I stare at him shocked. "Oh jeez, sorry! I didn't mean it!" He gasps, running over. "Get away from me!" I yell. "Baby, I didn't mean to push you! I was just mad!" I shakily stand back up. "What are you gonna do next time you get mad, Jason, punch me?!" I scream. "No, of course not!" I glance at the stairs. "Jenny, get your shoes on! We're staying at your Auntie Rachel's tonight!" I call. "Don't leave please!" "I I mean we are leaving. Jason, you-you have p-problems I didn't know about when we first went out! You aren't the same person." Jenny stumbles down the stairs. "How do I know you won't hit me if you got mad!" "I won't." "But how do I know that!"

Jason's pov

She ignores my protests and leaves anyway. I was just stressed! I wouldn't ever hit her on purpose. But she's right. I need to get my anger in check because hitting her on accident isn't good either! It's just been a long time since we've been intimate and it's driven me a little crazy. I know that's no excuse but that's the cause of my stress, that and Rachel and Sierra still being mad at me. And theyre gonna be even madder when they find this out.

Sierra's pov

I get a call from Miranda.

S: hey girl

M: hey Sierra, how's your honeymoon?

S: good. You sound upset. What's wrong?

M: I just.... Me and Jason are having some issues.

S: do I need to come home

M: no, he just shoved me and got really mad.

S: *gasps* I'm comin' over. Where are you?

M: at Rachel's.

Miranda's pov

We hang up and I let the phone fall from my hand. I can't believe he shoved me like that. Jenny is asleep while Rachel and I sit on the couch. "You shouldn't have gone back to him." "Yeah, he is not the same man I fell in love with that day backstage back when we were just roadies." I try to hide the tears that I've cried but I can't. "Rach please tell me! I don't know what to do!" The door opens. I look up. Jason. "Get the hell out of here!" She screeches. "Shut up. You ain't the boss of me!" "Jason, go home. I don't want to talk to you!" I yell. "I don't care! I didn't mean to hurt you! You know that!" "Go away!" "I'd rather not use force but I will if I have to!" "See that's the problem! Your anger is out of control." "Can't we talk abo- holy shit!" He shouts, throwing his hands in the air. "What the?" I mumble, confused. "She said no. That means no." Sierra growls. I peek around him and she's got a gun in his back. "Look little girl, you've got five seconds to remove the damn gun." "And you've got five seconds to get the fuck out!" She yells. He looks back at me. "Just go Jason." He sighs and lowers his hands. "Fine, we'll sleep on it and talk tomorrow." He says, walking out. Sierra reholsters the gun and slams the door. Me and Rachel stare at her shocked. "Wow, Sierra, that was badass." Rachel gasps. "I told you he's got problems." She says.

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