Fixing more than just the injured

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Jason's pov

We race back there and I explain it to the nurse who gets a doctor. They take her back and I'm about to run back there with her but the nurse stops me. "Sir, you can't go back there!" She gasps, a hand on my chest, holding me back. "I have to! She needs me!" "There's nothing you can do." They won't let me back. "We should call Rachel. After all they are best friends." Tully says. I hide my smile. "Yeah, call her and tell her to get up here." I say instead. "Oh jeez. I can't call her! She hates me now!" "Dude," I gasp, stopping my worried pacing. I grab his shoulders. "This is your chance. You love that girl." He nods. "Then prove it. Call her right now and tell her. She'll be glad to know you care about her feelings enough. Plus I'm not level headed enough right now to do it." He sighs. "You're right Jay, thanks." I nod.

Rachel's pov

My phone rings. I grab it and answer without looking. "Hello?" I mumble groggy from just waking up. "Rach, I have some really bad news." Tully says. What's he doing? I don't want to talk to him. I'm about to hang up when he says that something bad has happened to Miranda. "What happened?" I ask. "Just come down here. She'll wanna see your face if and when she wakes up." I rush to get ready then leave a note for Kurt and I drive as fast as I can to the hospital.

Jason's pov

Rachel runs through the doors looking out of breath. She hugs me. "What happened?" She whimpers. I pull her off. I'm surprised I was hoping she'd hug Tully. I explain to her what happened then I have to sit down because of my leg. Fear grips me like a smothering blanket. A doctor walks out and I jump up hopeful but he starts talking to a nurse about some guy. Damn. I walk over anyway. "Do you know how my girlfriend is doing?" I ask. "Who's your girlfriend?" "Miranda." "Oh, she's in recovery. She's still unconscious so there's no point to let anyone back there." "There is a point. I have to see her. I'm freaking out here!" "Calm down sir. You can go back there if you're so desperate to." I thank him and Rachel comes with me and we go to her room. She's breathing normally again. Thank goodness. I sit beside her bed, Rachel standing by the door. "Thanks for taking her here." She says, hugging me again. "Tully did it. I can't drive remember? Not with my leg messed up. I called him and he brought her. She'd be dead without him." She opens the door. "Where are you going?" I ask. "I-I gotta go t-talk to Tully." She says, making me smile. She leaves and I watch her sleep.

Rachel's pov

I go back out to the waiting room. Tully is pacing back and forth. He runs his fingers through his hair. "Tully, it's okay. She's okay." I gasp. He stops walking. "Thank God. I don't know what I'd do if she died." He mumbles. I walk over. "Thanks Tully. I don't think I'll ever be able to repay you for being the best boyfriend ever." I say smiling. "Wait-" I stop his shocked protest with a kiss.

Jason's pov

I hope he and Rachel are working things out. A nurse walks in. "Hey do you want me to take a look at that leg of yours?" She asks. "Nah, I'm fine. I wanna be here when she wakes up." I say, staring at her worriedly. "You don't have to go anywhere." She says. "I guess so then." A few minutes later, she said my cast can come off. So she takes it off and man does it feel better. I hated that cast. It was hot and itchy. She groans from the bed and I nearly faint with relief. "Thank goodness, baby you're okay." I gasp, standing up. "Jason, where am I?" "You're in the hospital. But you're gonna be okay." I say, moving hair out of her face. It's an old timey move but who cares. I kiss her. She wraps her arms around my neck, deepening the kiss. I pull her into my lap. "I was afraid you were gonna die." "I'm okay. I promise." "I know. I'm so glad to have you in my life."

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