The biggest mistake of his life

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Jason's pov

To celebrate Tully and Sierra's engagement, we had a bonfire at Rachel and Kurt's house. I lift a glass of champagne. "The only thing missing is Rich and his girl. Someone get that crazy ass on the phone." I say, already partially drunk. I should stop drinking. I set the glass down and pull out my phone. "Hey Rich come on over to Kurt's. We got a bonfire party going on. And bring your girl. Who are you dating now by the way?" "Oh okay, we'll be there in a few minutes." I hang up and tell the crowd Rich is coming. I am going to sit down before I fall. I watch the other couples dance and feel bad since my girl isn't. "Hey babe, ya wanna dance too?" "I'm fine. I'm just gonna sit here and drink a beer with my overly drunk husband." "Sorry I drank so much. You ain't mad are ya?" "No." I still feel like she's mad. "On second thought, I do wanna dance." She says. I smile and stand up, holding her hands as we dance. Just then Rich arrives, holding the hand of his girlfriend. I don't pay attention until I see who she is! My hands falling to my sides. "Jason, what's the matter?" She asks, shaking my arm. "Rich is dating Gina!?" I gasp, pointing. She turns and sees. "Hey guys." Rich says, waving. Gina on his arm. She joins the party and he walks over to us. "Why the heck do you have her here?!" I gripe. "We started going out a little while ago." "She's an attempted killer!" My wife shouts. "She has been taking therapy. She doesn't want to kill you anymore." He says, glaring at her. "I don't care. I don't want her anywhere near her anyway!" I snap. "She's cool Jay, calm down." I glare at him as he walks over to her.


I'm roasting a marshmallow over the fire, a tiny bit more sober thanks to coffee and good ol father time. Then Gina sits on the log behind me, instantly putting me in a bad mood. "What do you want Gina?" I growl. "Don't get your wranglers in a twist cowboy. I'm just sitting." She says, sarcastically. "Why by me? You know I can't stand you after you almost killed my wife!" "Hey that's the past. No need to bring that up." She says, standing up and putting her hands on my shoulders. I grit my teeth in annoyance. My marshmallow and stick burst into flames. I spin around. "Back foul demon!" I shout using the stick as a weapon. She laughs and snatches it from my hand, snapping it in two. What the? How'd that not burn her?! "H-How did that not b-burn you?" I gasp, taking a step back. The fire preventing me from going any further. "Oh what did you call me just now? A foul demon? That's what I am. A demon." She says. "Yeah right. I'm probably just so drunk I'm seeing things. You're probably not even here and this is all fake." I grumble, crossing my arms. Although even my highly drunk mind I know how stupid and impossible that sounds. "Does this feel fake?" She whispers, grabbing my shirt. "Get your hands off me, woman!" "What? I'm not here remember? This isn't even real." She taunts. I pry her hand off my shirt. Then I suck in a breath when she grabs me somewhere else. "You're pushin' you're luck little girl." "Am I?" She kisses me.


"I think I know now why all the guys in the band fell for you." "Oh yeah, why's that?" She asks, sitting up. "You skip the hard to get shit and get right down to it." The door slams open. Oh crap! "There you are!! What the hell!!" I am such an idiot. I fell for her little trick. "You're kidding me!? Please tell me I'm not seeing what I think I'm seeing!" I have no idea how to defend myself. I was drunk and stupid. So that's what I tell her. "Stupid is right! I thought you hated her!" She yells. "I do! She seduced me! You know I love her!" Oh shit! "I mean you. Baby you know I love you!" Crap! I'm fucked now. In more ways than one. How could I be so stupid! When I look down at Gina, she's smirking at me. This was her plan all along to trick me and make us fight. And I fell for it. "I'm so sorry!" "Go to hell Jason." She growls, running out the door. "You happy now?!" She nods. "Oh God, I hate you!" "You didn't hate me last night." "I was drunk last night!" She shrugs. "Either way." She stands up and kisses me again. I hit the dresser in surprise, my nails digging into the wood.

Sierra's pov

Miranda runs out sobbing. Me and Rachel exchange looks and run over. "Whoa, girl what happened?" Rachel asks as I pat her back. "That mother fucking cheating bastard!" She screams. "Whoa! Miranda, tell us what happened?!" "Jason was in bed with Gina!!" She yells, punching a nearby tree in fury. "Hey hey, hurtig yourself is not going to help."

Jason's pov

I shove Gina off me, onto the bed. "You're a twisted.... Piece of crap!" I yell, running out the door. Oh jeez, Rachel and Sierra know too. They're all talking. "Oh man, dude what did you do?" Tully gasps. "You guys know too?" "Well she did scream that mother fucking cheating bastard." He says. I sigh. I'm such an idiot. "Let me guess it was Gina?" I nod. "This is not going to end well." He says. I gulp staring at the trio of girls. I jump when someone puts a hand on my back. Gina. "Haven't you done enough?" Tully grumbles, crossing his arms. "Not really no. I did finally get my dream last night." "You're fucked up." I growl, swatting her hand. "Oh whatever. I know you enjoyed it just as much as I did. Admit it, I'm better than your wife!" She shouts. They stare at us. I shove her away. "No you aren't better than my wife. And if you'll excuse me, I have to go fix this." But she steps in front of me, blocking my path.

Miranda's pov

I watch them to see what's gonna happen. "Admit it I'm better than your wife!" She yells. He shoves her. "No you aren't better than my wife and if you'll excuse me, I have to fix this." He says. She steps in his path and kisses him. His fists ball up and are shaking and I'm shocked to see him punch her. "Whoa!" Me, Rachel, and Sierra all say. "Like I told you in that alleyway, I've never hit a girl but you cut it too close!" He shouts stomping away from her over to us. "Jason, you punched her." I gasp, pointing at him. "Yeah, I know I'm not supposed to hit girls and all but she wouldn't leave me alone." His face softens as his eyes settle on me. "Baby, you have to believe me. I never woulda done that sober. I was so bad drunk last night I didn't know what I was doing! I love you. If she was on fire, I wouldn't even piss in her direction!" He cries, beggingly. I glance at my friends. Rachel shakes her head. Sierra shrugs. "Jason, you're.... Gonna have to give me some time.... I have to think about it all... You know my policy on cheating." "Yes I do know baby, And I completely understand. Just please don't leave me. I never meant for that to happen." I try not to get soft and give in to him. "I'm taking Jenny with me too and I'm staying at Rachel's or Sierra's." I say, my voice wavering.

Jason's pov

Oh no. She's taking Jenny! My little girl. "You'll bring her back right? Even if you don't forgive me, I can't lose both my girls! Please!" I cry, hitting my knees. "Yes you can still see her! She's your daughter! Stop acting like a terrified child!" I stand back up. "I am terrified though! I'm terrified of losing the only two people that give my life meaning. The only two people I can't live without. My wife and daughter. I love you so much and I know I don't give ya no good reason but baby please don't give up on me, on us, on our family." I grab her hand. She pulls free. "Give me time." I step back, staring at the ground. "I'm so sorry." All three girls drive away.

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