Losing hope

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Miranda's pov

I'm just starting to doze off when I feel a tight sharp pain in my chest. Jason's asleep beside the bed, his hand propping his head up. I try to take a deep breath but I can't. My eyes go wide and fill with fear and tears. I try to call out to Jason but I can't get a word out. The pain in my chest increasing. I lift a shaking hand. "Jason." I choke out. But he doesn't hear me. I grip the bed, tears on my cheeks as my chest screams in pain. I grab his arm, finally waking him up. "Baby, what's wrong!?" He cries, jumping up. I can't talk. I just put my hand on my chest. "Get a doctor." I manage to get out. He nods and takes off out the door.

Jason's pov

I run down the hall, looking for a doctor. "Help! Someone help! I need a doctor!" I run smack into Tully. We both fall down. "Jason! What's wrong!?" He cries. "It's Miranda! Something's wrong with her! I need a damn doctor!" Just then one walks by. "I need your help! Somethin' is wrong with my wife. I don't know what to do!" "Show me where!" He says. We race back to her room. "Oh man! She's having a heart attack!" He gasps, grabbing his radio. He says, stuff in it but I stop listening and run to her side. She's crying. I'm so scared. I hold her hand. "It's gonna be okay. They'll make you better." I can tell she's terrified. "Move back sir." The doctor says. So I do. Several other doctors run in, bumping into me on the way.

Miranda's pov

The pain in my chest is almost unbearable as they wheel me out of the room. The last thing I see is Jason standing terrified in the middle of the hallway probably feeling helpless to do anything for me.

Jason's pov

I stand terrified feeling completely useless to help the woman I love. They wheel her away in the bed quickly but her eyes stay focused on me until they turn the corner. I fearfully stumble to the corner watching them take her away. "Please save her." I whimper, closing my eyes and crying.


A doctor comes out of the room she went into. Rachel runs over before I can even stand up. "Please, is she okay?! Is she gonna live!?" She cries, terrified. "Calm down ma'am!" "Don't you tell me to calm down! My best friend! Tell me what the hell happened and if she's gonna live!" She screams. Kurt grabs her arms. "Rachel, take a deep breath. He'll explain." He says, gently. Rachel cries into Kurt's chest. "As I was saying, " The doctor says exasperated. "She had a heart attack from all the stress of having the baby." "But she'll be okay right?" Rachel asks, annoying me. "Rachel shut up and let the doctor talk!" I gripe, frustrated. She glares at me but I don't give a shit. "We don't know. For the moment she's stable but it could go either way. She might not make it through the night." My eyes go wide and I stumble back. "No! She can't die!" I whimper, terrified. "C-Can I see her?" He opens the door and I take a step forward but I can't go back there. Kurt grabs my arm. Tully grabs my other arm. "It's okay." Kurt says. "We're here for ya man." Tully adds. "Yeah, so are we." Sierra and Rachel say. I walk back to her room where she's in a coma. I fight back the tears and hit my knees beside her bed, grabbing her hand.

Kurt's pov

Me, Tully, and the girls stand in the doorway. "You'll be okay. I know it." He whispers, holding her hand. I can tell he's trying not to cry. He stands back up and kisses her forehead. "I won't leave your side. I'm gonna be right here. Til the day you get better or til the day I die. Whichever comes first sweetheart." He doesn't let go of her hand.

*the next day*

I kiss Rachel's head then grab my coat. I'm gonna go see how it's going at the hospital. I open the door and he's still in the same position as he was yesterday. "Jason, did you ever sleep?" I ask, walking in. He doesn't move or respond. "Come on. How about you go get some sleep. I'll stay here and come get you if she wakes up." I say, resting a hand on his shoulder. "No." "You have to sleep!" "One, it's not if. It's when. Two, I'm not going anywhere. I said that yesterday. And three get your damn hand off me." He growls, his voice shaking. His fist clenched at his side, the other still holds her hand. "You heard damn well what I said yesterday. And I meant it. I'm not leaving this room until she's better." He closes his eyes, tears falling down his cheeks.

Jason's pov

I hear a baby crying. "Who's that?" I ask. "It's your son. Jason, he needs you too. I'll stay with her. But that baby needs his dad." What would she want me to do? I shakily let go of her hand. "I promise I'll come back. I love you baby. Don't leave me." I whimper, kissing her head. "Stay with her. Don't leave her and call me if anything changes." Kurt smiles. "I promise. You know I will." He says, a hand on my shoulder. I look back at her one more time. "Please don't die." I whisper, walking out to care for my infant son.

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