So much relationship drama!

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Rachel's pov

I make the dreaded visit to tell Kurt I'm going back with Tully. He's playing guitar in the living room with a girl clapping along! Am I ever gonna catch a break!!! I slam the door. He jumps. "Oh hey girl." He says, smiling and waving. Maybe it's not what I think. Ok deep breaths. The girl stands up. "Hey Rachel. Kurt has told me all about you." ?? "Ok, and you are?" She laughs. "Oh how silly of me. My name's Kate. I'm Kurt's sister." My eyes go wide. His sister. Thank goodness. It wasn't what I thought. "Hey Kurt can we talk in private?" His face falls. I think he knows what the conversation is gonna be. We both go to the kitchen and he grabs a bottle of Jack Daniels. "I already know what you're gonna say." "What?" "You're going back to Tully aren't you?" I sigh and nod. He opens the bottle. "I'm sorry Kurt. You're an amazing guy and you'll always have a special place in my heart." He sets it down. "But sweet girl, I wanna have your whole heart. I wanna be the guy that makes you happy. I would never do what Tully did. Please stay with me." He begs. Tears fall down my cheeks. His phone buzzes but he doesn't take his eyes off me. He clasps my hands. "I don't ever wanna wake up lookin' into someone else's eyes." He whispers, putting a hand on my cheek. I stare into his beautiful blue eyes, his golden locks a mess. I wipe my eyes and hug him. "Can I have a few days to think? I'll tell Tully the same thing." He smiles. "Of course baby girl, you don't have to worry. I'll wait." He says, kissing my forehead. He checks his phone from earlier. "Oh I forgot we're on the tonight show tonight." He says. "Oh that sounds fun." I say. I go to talk to Miranda and on the way I text Tully telling him the same thing I just told Kurt.

Miranda's pov

Jason's talking to the tonight show people over the phone, getting the rundown on what's going to go on tonight. Rachel runs in the door and into my arms balling her eyes out. "What's wrong?" I gasp, caught off guard. When she finishes crying, she tells me about her encounter with Kurt. "Hey everything okay out there babe?" Jason calls. "Yeah." I reply. "I'm torn and it's tearing me apart. On one hand, Kurt hasn't hurt me and I know he loves me. On the other I don't know if I can trust Tully after all he put me through. But then he saved your life! I'm just so lost. I need help." "I'm here for you girl. You know that." "Who should I pick?" "Kurt." I say instantly. "And ya know why I think so... Kurt was there when it happened. He cares for you when you're hurt like that plus once a cheater always a cheater." Her eyes go wide. "You don't know then do you?" "I don't know what?" "About Jason's little cheating scandal." I roll my eyes. "That was different, he was drunk. Tully was sober. I heard him tell Jason." "Yeah, I'm going with Kurt. Thanks. You always know just what to say." I smile. "What are best friends for?" She hugs me. "Now go tell the lucky lad." She smiles. "I will." She gasps, running out the door. "That silly girl." I say, shaking my head. "Why'd you tell her to do that?" I jump. "What do you mean?" "Pick Kurt over Tully?! Tully's deep in love with Rachel. This is gonna kill him!" "I'm sorry. I don't trust him and she shouldn't either. Like I told her, once a cheater always a cheater." He sighs. "I know you're doing what you think is right for your best friend but I'm doing the same for mine. Her picking Kurt is gonna crush him. He does love Rachel and he is sorry. Gina is really good at tricking people into getting what she wants. I don't know why but I'm the only member of this band she hasn't pulled into a trap. It wasn't Tully's fault." My eyes go wide and fill with anger. "Wasn't his fault!? He was making out with her!! Then doing stuff on our couch that I'm not going to say out loud!! Now don't say he didn't have some blame!" "I'm not! He did have some. Just not most! He's not a bad guy." "I am not listening to this." I grumble, putting my boots on. "Where are you going?!" "To check on Rachel. Have fun tonight." "Wait! What do you mean? You aren't coming!?" "I don't know. I might. I'm having second thoughts now." I slam the door behind me.

Jason's pov

What the heck just happened!?!? That totally escalated out of control bad!! I have to go after her. I run out the door but she's already gone. I get in my truck and drive to Rachel's! She's not there! They must be at Kurt's. So I go over there. Thank goodness. There's her blue Chevy. I get out, trying to not freak out. I'm about to open the door when I hear her talking. "Can you believe him!? The nerve! Defending the guy who was in the wrong! I am so mad right now!" Crap!! "Calm down. Him and Tully have been friends for a long time. Its the bro code pretty much. Bros before hoes. That kinda thing." Kurt says. Oh damn. Shut your mouth! "Oh is that right?!" Oh no! "If you caught Rachel cheating would you defend her?" He asks. "Fuck no! No offense Rach. I'd go off like I did to Tully. Either way I know Rachel wouldn't do that because she's not like that. But anyone I catch cheating, I'm gonna give them the third degree! I hate cheating. It's the worst thing anyone could do. I'd rather find out she killed someone." Ok? I open the door. "What the? How long have you been listening?" "Long enough." I say, crossing my arms. "Are you gonna act all mad at me now?" "What no! I'm mad at Kurt. He's sayin' shit that ain't true. I told you before. My girl comes first. That bros before hoes thing doesn't exist in my mind." She's still furious and I don't know if she's mad at me, Tully, Kurt, or this whole situation in general. "Come on Rachel. Let's just go. The boys have to get ready for their show tonight anyway." She grumbles. "Hold on babe, you ain't leavin' me, are ya?" "I just have to get away." I grab her arm. "Promise me you'll come back." "I will Jason. I just need to blow off steam." That makes me feel a little better but I'm still worried. "Ok hun, just drive safely." "I will." She says. Both girls leave. I am so worried she won't come back.

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