Sorry for all the time skips this chapter

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A few weeks later

Jason's pov

We just got back from the honeymoon and we are now waiting for the doctor at the first appointment for the baby. The door opens. "Hi, my name's Sierra. I'll be your prenatal doctor for these 9 months." "Thanks." "No problem." She does the usual and says, "you're doing great. Baby's healthy with no problems, congratulations."

Miranda's pov

We get back home and I'm messaging Rachel about it. "Hey sweetheart, there's something familiar about that doctor. Like I've seen her somewhere before." He says, playing with my hand. "From where?" "I'm not sure. I'll ask her next week." We get home just as a football game comes on. Jason walks to the kitchen. "Who's playin' babe?" He calls. "Oh you're beloved bulldogs and my ragtag rebels." "Oh no, the house is divided once more in the age old battle of my team and wifey's team. Who will win? How many curse words will be thrown at the TV? What team will the baby choose?" He mocks in a fake announcer voice, making me laugh so hard. "You are nuts, Jason!" I gasp, my stomach hurting from laughing. He grabs a beer and sits beside me on the couch.

*a few hours later*

"And the rebels score the winning touchdown. That's game.... Set.... Match!" I shout standing on the couch excited. He laughs hysterically. "You silly girl, get down from there before you hurt yourself!" He gasps, holding his side which hurt from laughing so much. "Oh go cry me a river lover boy. Someone lost the game!" I tease. He rolls his eyes and I plop down beside him. "You my lady are one crazy chick." "Be that as it may, I'm just glad I'm your crazy chick." I say, kissing him. He pulls me onto his lap, where we make out for hours.

*one week later*

We go to the appointment. "I swear I know you from somewhere." He says. She smiles. "Well I am a fan and I've been to many concerts. You might've seen me." "Maybe. I'm not sure." "Ready for the ultrasound, Mrs. Aldean?" I nod. She does the stuff and on the screen is our baby. I grab Jason's hand excitedly. "Oh my gosh. There she is!" I gasp. He laughs. "How do you know it's a girl." "Motherly instinct." I say, smiling. "Hey Sierra me and Jason are going to lunch, ya wanna join us?" "I uh that's a little unprofessional." "Oh who cares about that?" She still looks nervous. "Tully's gonna be there and you two would make a very cute couple." Jason says. "Ok sure. I'll go tell my boss." I smile. She goes to do that as I sit up. "Don't get down yet, darlin'." He says, kissing me softly. I lean back again.


Jason's pov

Sierra and Tully are hanging out and having a blast. I'm glad to see him back to his cheery self. Rachel and Kurt are making out in front of a clothing store. The perfect life. I've never been happier.

4 years later. Sorry for the time skip.

Miranda's pov

We were walking down the street to go on our date. Sierra is babysitting Jenny, our sweet daughter. A surprising occurance walks by. My ex boyfriend Dean. He stops to talk. It's a little awkward. He says, "hey baby how ya been?" I try not to get annoyed. "Yeah I'm great. I got me a little girl now and she's four years old and got her daddy's little grin and his temper." I say, warningly. "Wow, congrats." He says, sarcastically. We start to walk away but he grabs my arm. Ugh. I spin around. "You only wanted what you can't have and buddy you can't have me now. I gave my heart to another." I shout. Jason squeezes my hand. "Calm down, sweetheart." He says. I shake my head. "The nerve of him!" "Don't get snappy with me! I didn't do anything!" Dean shouts. "You didn't do anything? What about cheating on me and almost killing my best friend!" I yell with Jason barely able to hold me back. "So you got a kid and a husband. That wasn't me." He mumbles looking at the ground. I nod. "I'm a mother and he's a father and we're a family and we've got each other." I cry. "Ok darlin' let's go." Jason says, pulling me away. "The last time I saw that guy he was behind bars for almost killing Rachel." "Let's forget about that scumbag and enjoy the night." He says. I nod.


When we walked back through the door. Jenny was fast asleep on the couch with a crayon in one hand and a cookie in the other. I laugh. Sierra walks out of the kitchen. "Oh hey, how was date night?" She asks, smiling. I don't wanna ruin the good mood by mentioning Dean. "It was great. Thanks for babysitting." I say. She hugs me. "Anytime girl. Oh I found out the hard way, the little tyke really likes macaroni and cheese." She says, laughing. I'm not gonna ask. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot. The ticket for tomorrow's concert is in your glove compartment." Jason says as she's walking out. She puts her coat on. "Ok thanks. See ya at the show tomorrow." "You too." I wave. She leaves and Jason carries Jenny to her bedroom. About 30 minutes later, Jason sits beside me on the couch. "What took so long?" I ask yawning and curling up into his side. He wraps an arm around me. "Oh the little bugger woke up and wanted me to read twilight to her. I was so not gonna do that. So we compromised to goodnight moon and a song." He says. I cuddle closer. "You're the best daddy in the whole wide world." He kisses my head. "And you're the best mommy."

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