Talking it out

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Tully's pov

Jason posted pictures on instagram of a double date he and Miranda went on. The other couple, yep you guessed it. Rachel and Kurt. Man, I miss that girl. I want her back. No, I need her back. A cowboy can't function without his angel. I have to get her alone or maybe I could talk to Kurt? I don't know what's better. Maybe I can talk to Jason. He might know.

Jason's pov

Tully texts me.

T: I need to get Rachel back.

J: I know but how?

T: I was hoping you could help me. Who should I talk to? Kurt or her?

J: def not Kurt. He'd get pissed.

T: do ya think you could come with me, ya know as back up?

Back up for what? I guess I'll find out tonight.

J: sure dude, give me a time and place. We'll be there.

T: we'll?

J: Miranda is coming with me.

T: just you.

J: can't.

T: why?

J: just can't.

I set my phone down too stressed to even think. It buzzes again but I don't look at it. I turn the TV on to catch the last 5 minutes of the fourth quarter of the bulldogs game. One game away from the championship. I so hope we win this year. Miranda walks in. She sits beside me. "Someone texted me and I don't know the number." She says, handing me the phone. It says back off. I try to hide my surprise. I glance at my phone, wondering if maybe someone texted me the same thing. "Just block the number." "I'm a little freaked out. If they got my phone number, what if they get our address?" "It's probably Gina. And she already has our address." "What if it's not Gina?" I shrug and grab my phone. But it wasn't the mystery number. It was Tully saying try to come alone. I turn my phone off without responding. He doesn't get it. I wanna be with her. I hate going and doing things without her. That's what it's like when you have true love I guess. "Hey babe, Tully wants to talk to Rachel and he wants me to come with, as like moral support or somethin'. Ya wanna come too?" "Yeah, I'll be Rachel's moral support. If Tully tries anything-" "wait that's why he wants to meet up with her. He wants another chance." "No way! She's happy with Kurt. Please don't put her through it again!" I don't know what to do! "I have to babe!" "No you don't! I know what's best for her!" "He's gonna do it if I'm there or not. It'd be better if I was there!" "Fine, but mark my words, this is gonna blow up in y'alls faces!" She grumbles, pointing a finger at me. "And if you're wrong?" "I won't be." "I bet you will be." "How much do ya bet?" I laugh. "So we're really raising stakes huh? Well you say what yours is first, cause I got nothin'." She smiles wickedly and now I'm worried. This was a bad idea. "If I win, you can't do anything singing related for a whole week. But if you win.... I don't know what do you want?" "I don't want nothin'." "Ugh, you're not good at betting are you?" I laugh and shake my head. She kisses me, catching me by surprise. "Let's forget the whole bet thing." "Th-That's fine by me darlin'." I mumble, holding her.


We get to the meeting place. "Don't do anything stupid." I mutter, holding her arm. "Stupid is as stupid does, Jason." "I never figured out what that meant." I say, confused. "Me either. But it made me feel smart." I roll my eyes at her sillyness. Tully shows up and Rachel soon after. "What's this about?" She asks, hefting her purse on her shoulder. He walks over. "I wanna be the man that you thought I was. I wanna be the man that made you fall in love. I can't undo everything I've done. I get that but baby starting right now you're the only one. I promise. Gina is not even close to being in my mind. The only time I think of her is when I think of revenge. I hate her for what we did to you. But if you give me another chance I promise you'll never be hurt again. By anyone. I need you honey. I can't live without you." He begs on his knees. Oh man, this is so pathetic. But then I look at her. And I think maybe pathetic will work in his favor. "And may God strike me down if I'm lying!" Rachel grips her purse tighter. "Ok that's enough!" Miranda whispers. I stop her before she can do anything. Rachel falls to her knees and hugs him. "I'm so sorry baby. I never wanna see you cry again. You're too beautiful and way too nice to be hurt like that." He says. "Tully, I forgive you." "Yes!" He cries. "Wait let me finish. I forgive you but I'm staying with Kurt. I'm sorry Tully. But I'm in love with him. I wanna spend the rest of my life with him. And he feels the same way." I'm beyond shocked. I totally didn't see that coming. I thought for sure it would be a happily ever after between them but obviously not. She stands back up. "I'll always have great memories. You were the first boy who truly made me happy." She whispers, kissing the top of his head and walking to her truck. He's still on his knees, staring at the ground, a horrified expression on his face. "I've lost her for good." I glance over at Miranda and am very surprised to see tears in her eyes. Tully cries in his hands. I pat his back. "Come on man, let's get you home." "No, just leave me alone." He mumbles. "I'm not leaving you in this parking lot." "Dammit! I'll go home when I'm ready to!! Just leave me alone!!" He yells in my face. "Fine! I was only trying to help!" "The only way you can help me is if you can change Rachel's mind." I sigh. "Come on honey, let's go home." We do. I'm so surprised at all that. Especially him yelling at me! All I was doing was making sure he got home safely! Sometimes I think I try too hard. And she was right. It did blow up in our faces!

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