At death's door

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Jason's pov

As I hold my young infant son, a bottle in my hand. A smile spreads to my face thinking about the time we were thinking of names.


I lay down on the hay beside her, staring at the roof of the barn. "What about Carlos?" She asks. "Nah, sounds too childish." I mutter, putting my hands together and closing my eyes. "What about Eric?" My eyes open. "No way. I've got a friend named Eric. That'll be too weird." She laughs. "Then what did you come up with, hotshot?" I smile and stand up. I thought of a few. "What about Alex?" She smiles. I help her up. "I love it Jay. I want our little boy to be Alex." She whispers, kissing me. "So it's settled? His name is Alex?" She laughs and nods. I rest a hand on her stomach. "Ya hear that? Alex, your mama and daddy can't wait for you to get here."

~flashback over~

I wish she was okay. Alex needs his mom. She needs to be okay. I hear someone scream my name. I spin around, resituating Alex. It's Kurt. My heart thunders in my chest. "Kurt, please tell me she's okay!" I cry. Fear is all I see in his eyes. I hand Alex to him and run to her room. "Baby!" I cry, opening the door. She's still unconscious. A doctor stands over her, messing with the machines. "What are you doing?!" He sighs. "I'm sorry. There's nothing we can do." Fuck! I grab his shoulders. "Get the hell out! You're not killing my wife!" I yell. He stumbles, hitting the opposite wall. "She's gone. She's not gonna wake up." I just ignore him and stumble to her bedside, fearfully. I grip her hand. "Baby, you have to wake up. They're gonna kill you. Just show me a sign that you're still there please! I need you! Jenny needs you! Alex needs you! Show me you're alive." I hit my knees, sobbing by her bedside. Someone's hand is on my shoulder. "Whoever it is, better get the fuck off me." "Daddy." Oh it's Jenny. I turn around. "Oh, sweetheart, it's okay. I just didn't know it was you." I say, hugging her. "Daddy, is mama gonna be okay?" I try to stop crying. "I don't know baby girl. I just don't know." The doctor walks back in. The damn doctor trying to kill her. "I have half a mind to punch your damn lights out." "It's over! She's dead!" He gripes, throwing his clipboard down in annoyance. I look back at her. Her eyes still closed. But she's breathing. "Dead people don't breathe." He rolls his eyes. "A machine is doing that for her." "So what. She's still alive." "No she isn't. If I turned the machines off, she wouldn't be breathing." He snaps. I don't care. As long as the machines stay on, she's alive. Someone grabs my arms, holding me in place. I hear Jenny scream. "What's going on!?" I shout. The doctor walks over. "Don't! Get away from her!" I scream, trying to pull free. He flips a switch. A few beeps and she stops breathing!! "No! Stop it!! You're killing her!!" "She's already dead you moron!" He yells. I elbow the guy holding me in the gut and pull out my pistol. He jumps back. "Turn it back on!" He doesn't make a move. I stomp over, the gun pressed to his forehead. "You turn it back on, or so help me God, there will be a bullet wound in your head and my wife won't be the only dead person in this fucking hospital!" He turns it back on. I breathe a relieved sigh when I see her chest rise and fall again. "And you better let me daughter go, you bastard!" He releases her and she runs to me. "You have five minutes." He says. "Fuck you." I gripe. The doctor and guards leave. I move some hair out of her face. "Baby, you have to wake up. They're gonna kill you if you don't wake up, right now." She doesn't make any moves. Nothing. Maybe they're right and she really is dead. No, that's quitter talk. I hold her hand again. "Come on. Just one thing. Do it. Please! You have to!" Sierra walks in the room, Jenny goes with Tully. "Jason, the doctor's right. She's not gonna wake up." She says, gently. "Screw you. Screw the doctor. She ain't dead. She's gonna make it." "You're in denial." "No I'm in love. And I won't let her die!" "It's too late. I'm sorry." "Shut up. She wouldn't just leave me." "It's not her choice. She wouldn't want to be stuck like this. You know that!" "I can't let her go. She's got to live." "I'm sorry Jason. She's gone." I choke back the tears. "I'll give you a minute to say goodbye." She leaves. I stroke her cheek. "Come on baby. One sign. One sign that you're still there. That you're still fighting." But I get nothing.

Sierra's pov

Jenny cries in my shirt. "Is mama gonna die?" She whimpers. "I'm sorry baby, she's dead." I say, patting her hair down. The door opens. "I-I'm ready." He struggles to say. I stand up. "You're doing the right thing." I say. He puts a fist in his mouth to keep from crying. Jenny hugs him and he hits his knees, pulling her to his chest. "Your mama is living on through you and Alex and me. And all the people she's touched. She might not still be here in body. But she'll always be here in spirit. Don't you ever forget that." "I won't daddy." We walk into the room. "Goodbye mommy. I'll always love you and I'll never forget you. Alex will know who you are." She says, kissing her forehead. Jason holds Jenny's hand. I put my hand on the machine. I'm about to flip the switch when I gasp in shock. "What?! What is it!?" Jason cries. "Her eyes! They moved under her eyelids!" I gasp, staring at him. "So what does that mean?!" He cries. I smile. "Jason, it means she's still alive. She's still in there and she's still fighting." He completely breaks down in tears. Full blown sobs. "You are one lucky son of a gun." He smiles up at me. "One of the luckiest." He whispers, standing up and kissing her on the lips. She's gonna wake up. I know it. It's just the matter of when.

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