Not my mama's broken heart

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Miranda's pov

We all go back to Nashville. His leg is in a cast. "We'd have had to cancel the tour anyway because I can't perform with my leg like this." He says, sounding bummed. "Hey, I'll take care of you til you get better... And maybe after." I flirt. He laughs and grabs my waist, pulling me onto the bed where we make out.

Rachel's pov

I'm glad the tour is over. I'm also glad that my friends are okay. It's me and Tully's 2 week anniversary so I'm gonna surprise him with a big dinner. I grab some crab legs and that fancy butter sauce. He's gonna be so surprised! I can't wait. While I'm shopping, I run into Kurt. "Hey, Kurt. How's it going?" I call. The blonde headed man walks over. "Ooh, you're going extravagant tonight. What's the occasion?" "My and Tully's 2 week anniversary." I tell him, putting stuff for lasagna in my cart. We walk around the store just chatting and hanging out while shopping. "I'll drive you home." He says on my way out. "Oh thanks." He drives us to me and Tully's house. I open the door and nearly drop all the packages in my hand in total shock. Tully sits on the couch kissing another girl!! "Tully!! How could you!?" I screech. "Oh shoot, babe! It's not what it looks like!!" He cries, standing up. My cheeks burn with hot tears. "Get out!! Just get out and take the whore with you!!!!" I scream, pointing at the door. "Rach, I'm sorry." "Drop dead!" I growl. He runs out with the low life tailing him. I hear him drive away and I sit on the ground in tears. Kurt puts an arm around my shoulders, comfortingly. "I'm so sorry he did this to you." He says, hugging me. I cry into his chest, miserable.

Miranda's pov

Jason's phone buzzes. He glances down at it. "It's Tully." He mumbles, answering it. "What's up bro?" He asks, laying back against the headboard. His eyes go wide and he sits up suddenly. "What is it?" I ask. The phone falls from his hand. "Tully's coming over. Said Rachel kicked him out." He says, shocked. "Whoa! Why?" "Didn't say." He says, shrugging. He kisses my forehead and grabs his crutches. "You stay up here. He's probably drunk or somethin'." He says, irritated. I sigh. "Don't take too long." He smiles. "I won't baby girl. I'll be back before ya know it." He says, kissing me on the lips then heading out to wait for Tully.

Jason's pov

I sure can't wait til my leg heals. I hate this cast. I sit on the front porch steps, waiting for my nutty bassist. His Silverado pulls up a few minutes later. He walks over, his face red from crying. "Dude, what happened?" I ask, as he sits down, his head in his hands. "I messed up man!" He whimpers. "What'd you do? What happened?" I ask again. He stands up and starts pacing back and forth. "I was stupid. Very stupid. I was at the bar and ran into my ex girlfriend Gina." "That chick who wouldn't stop flirting with me?" I gasp. He nods. "I made the mistake of getting in a conversation with her. And I ended up taking her home. We were kissing on the couch when Rachel came in!" He cries. Oh man! "Oh dang dude! What are you gonna do?!" I gasp, staring at him shocked. "I don't know. But I feel awful." He says. I glare at him. "You should. I mean you kissed another girl while dating. I would hate it if someone did that to me." "You're not helping!" He grumbles. "I'm not... Ugh Tully you fucked up... But do ya love Rachel?" "Yes!" "Work hard to earn her trust back." He stops walking. "She's not gonna take me back. You should have seen the hurt in her eyes. I feel horrible." "You can stay here for a few days. Oh and Tully... I uh can't get up." He holds a hand out and pulls me back up then hands me the crutches and we sit on the couch. "All you can do is give her space. Maybe she'll forgive you." He sighs and stares at the ground. Miranda comes downstairs. "What's going on?" She asks. "Tully kissed another girl. Other than Rachel." I tell her. "Why the heck!?" "Calm down. He was drunk. It was an ex girlfriend and trust me he feels horrible." "Not as horrible as she probably does! This is like the third time her damn boyfriend has cheated on her!" She shouts. Oh man, he's in hot water then. It'll take a lot more convincing then. I stand up, leaning against the couch for support. "He really is sorry and he loves her." I say. "I'm gonna go check on her. Don't walk too much on your leg." I smile. "Sure babe." I sit back down and she leaves. "I wasn't drunk Jason. It was just me being stupid." He mutters. "You have to tell her that you love her and you want to make it work." He nods and a tear slips down his cheek.

Rachel's pov

Kurt is making dinner for me. I'm too upset to think. He hugs me. "It's gonna be okay. I'll take care of you if you want." He says. I force a smile. "I'd love that Kurt. Thanks." He ruffles my hair and serves me the food I would have made for me and Tully. I start crying again. We sit on the couch, his arms around me. "Thanks so much, you're such a nice guy." "Anytime sweetheart." He says, kissing the top of my head. Tears fill my eyes but he pulls my chin up and wipes them away. "Don't cry. A beautiful sweet girl such as yourself shouldn't be crying over him." He says. He kisses me. I'm tempted to pull away but instead I rest my hands on his shoulders and kiss him back. Then a knock on the door pulls us apart. If that's Tully.... "Hey Rach, I heard about Tully." It's Miranda. I smile and open the door. She hugs me instantly. "I'm so sorry Rachel. He doesn't deserve you. He's just a- oh hey Kurt, what are you doing here?" "H-He drove me home." I say, trying to stop crying. "Thanks for checking on me but I think I'm okay Kurt is gonna keep me company." She smiles and hugs me again. "Ok girl, call me if ya need me." She says.

Miranda's pov

I get back home and Tully is still sitting on the couch. I'm so mad at him for breaking my best friend's heart. "How is she?" He asks. I glare at him. "She's doing fine. Kurt is taking care of her." His eyes go wide. Jason smiles and covers my mouth. "Are you trying to mess with him?" He asks, teasingly. I nod. We go into the kitchen. "Tully feels awful." He says. "Good. But he's too late. She's got Kurt now and he's staying with her for the night. He's gonna take care of her." He sighs, leaning against the fridge. I look at him worriedly. "Please tell me you haven't been walking around too much on your leg." I beg. He smiles. "No darlin'. I just got up when you came home. Other than that, I've been in bed alone... Without my girl.." He says, making me smile. "You're such a flirt." I say as he kisses me. "Who cares. You love my flirting." "You know I do." He pulls himself onto the counter to stay off his leg and pulls me up beside him. "Wouldn't it be more comfy in the bed?" I ask. "Maybe but I'm not patient right now. I don't wanna wait." He whispers in my ear. I giggle and he grabs my waist and kisses me. I jump off the counter, he does too, leaning against it as we make out And he quickly but gently unclasps my bra strap.

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