Gina is evil!!!

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Jason's pov

When I wake back up, I smell food cooking. Baby girl must be up and cooking dinner. I get up and go to the kitchen. My jaw drops though. It isn't Miranda. It's Gina! "What the hell are you doing here?!" I gripe, furious. "Gotta make dinner for ya, the bitch upstairs is just gonna sleep!" Oh that's it. I grab her shirt and throw her outside. "Don't EVER call her that again!" I yell, slamming the door. I dump the food in the trash and rinse off the dishes then I grab a sandwich with cheese its on the side. I do love cheese its. I grab a beer and when I turn around she's back and standing by the plate. "Get out!" She shakes her head and steals a cheese it off my plate, making my eye twitch in fury. "There are very few things that set me off. But you are one of them! Get outta my house!" "No way! You know ya want me! I know ya like the bad girl style." I snatch the plate and walk into the living room. I do like the bad girl type just not that bad girl. I hate her. I hear the back door open and close. I smile. Finally she left. Miranda comes downstairs. "Hey honey sleep well?" I ask. She nods and sits on the floor beside the chair I'm sitting in, confusing me. "Why are you sitting on the floor?" "Jason, we need a new couch. I'm not sitting on that after what I witnessed." I hold back a laugh and open my beer. "I'll get a new one tomorrow. That one's pretty old anyway." She stands up and kisses me. "Thanks." "Anything for you darlin'." I set the plate down and follow her into the kitchen. "I love the way you mess me up and drive me wild." I whisper, grabbing her around the waist. "I love the way you make me lose my mind." She says, turning around and kissing me, my hands still on her hips. We start making out when the front door opens. "Ugh, now who is it?" She grumbles, looking over my shoulder. I look back too but from where I'm at I can't see anything. "Is there anyone here!? Please I need help!?" A woman cries. I open the door wider. A woman stands in the living room. "Oh thank goodness, please help me! My daughter. A guy shot her and my car won't start." She whimpers beggingly. Miranda grabs my keys. "You can't drive with that bum leg." "Make it back." I say. She nods and kisses me again before running out.

Miranda's pov

"Show me where." I say, starting the truck. We drive there but there's no bleeding daughter. Just Gina. What the? The woman who said her daughter was shot hits me in the back of the head. I fall down. The last thing I see is Gina getting in Jason's truck.

Jason's pov

The door reopens. I smile and walk out. "Now where were we babe?" But my smile quickly vanishes when it's Gina. "What are you doing here?" I grumble. "Oh help my daughter's been shot and my car won't start!" She whines tauntingly. "What the?! Wait! You were behind that??" She nods. "Where's Miranda?!" "Probably just about done bleeding out." She says, sending chills through me. Bleeding out!? "What did you do!?" I scream, stomping over. "Now calm down. She wasn't right for you. She was just a roadie." She scoffs. "Oh yeah, well you'll just be ROADKILL if you don't take me to her right now!!" I yell, shoving her against the wall. "Nuh uh uh, Jason. You have to play by the rules, you kill me and you'll never see your little roadie again." She says teasingly. I release her. Terror makes my body tense. I knew this chick was a basket case but I didn't know she was capable of murder! I smirk, knowing my escape. I pull out my pocket knife. "You love me right Gina?" She nods. I put the knife to my throat. "Either you bring her back to me safe and alive or I'll kill myself right here right now." I threaten. Her eyes go wide. "You wouldn't kill yourself over some girl." She scoffs. I smirk and push it down, cutting the skin. "Ok! Don't do that!" She cries. "And Gina she's not just some girl. She's my girl and I don't love you. I love her." She sighs. "Bring her back." She grumbles into the phone. I stop the bleeding with a napkin and the door opens. She's unconscious! I turn her over terrified. She's got a small little cut in her throat. "What'd you do to her?" I screech, picking her up. "An ancient form of torture. You just barely leave an open wound then you hang them upside down and slowly all the blood will drain out of the wound." She's batshit crazy! "Baby please wake up! Speak to me!" I call Tully as Gina leaves. I'll catch her later. "I need your help man!" I gasp desperately. "Yeah right I'm not helping you." He grumbles. "Please Tully! She'll die if you don't! I need you!" I cry, tears on my cheeks. "I can't drive with my leg but I need to get to the hospital. "What happened?" I tell him what Gina did. "Please man, you're her only hope." "I'm on my way." Thank God. I drop the phone. "Baby, stay with me. Don't give up." I whimper, holding her to my chest. A few minutes later, Tully gets her in his truck. I sit with her while he drives us. "Man, I owe everything to you." "No you don't Jason. You're my best friend. I'd do anything for you." Her breathing is ragged and very faint. "Hurry Tully! We're losing her!" I shout hysterical. "I'm going as fast as I can." He says. "Sweetheart open your eyes and look at me." I whimper, patting her cheek. "Jason." She whispers. I smile. "Yeah baby it's me. Just stay awake for me. You have to keep your eyes open." I hold her hand, her grip very weak as we slam into the hospital parking lot.

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