I'm to blame

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Miranda's pov

I'm mad that he hit her but she did shove him after he said not to. "I told you he hadn't changed." She gripes. "You had it coming. He warned you not to touch him." I grumble. She's shocked. "You're defending him!? You think he had a right to hit me or something!?" "No, of course not! But I see where he was coming from. You shoved him first!" "Girls, stop fighting!" A nurse shouts before opening Rachel's door. Kurt holds Tommy. One of Rachel's babies. But where is Ali? The other one. I can see tear stains on Rachel's cheeks. I rush over. "Rachel, what happened?" I ask, holding her hand. She pulls free and stays silent. Sierra walks over and hugs her which she sobs loudly on her shoulder. I'm shocked. "She's dead, Sierra. Ali died." She whimpers. "Rach, what happened?" I ask again. She looks at me with rage filled eyes that strike fear into the very depths of my soul. She shakily stands up and points a finger at me. "The doctor said if we were here 10 minutes earlier Ali wouldn't have died! But you weren't there when I needed you! I wish you never came back! I hope you die! Just like my baby! Go die!" She yells. I've never seen her so mad. I back up bumping into the wall, too shocked and horrified to even move. "Rachel you don't mean that!" Sierra gasps, sternly. "Yes she does. I wish the same thing." I cry, running from the room, crying. I run straight out the door. I trip on a piece of broken sidewalk and don't even bother to get up. I hear running footsteps and someones hands on my arms. "Sweetheart what happened?" Jason asks. I just shake my head and cry in my hands. "Is Rachel okay? Should we go back in there?" I shakily stand up with his help. "She's fine Jason. She doesn't need us. She doesn't want us." I whisper, walking away, dragging my feet. Jason falls into step beside me seconds later. "Baby, tell me what's going on!" I force back the sobs. "It's my fault. One of the babies died because she wasn't at the hospital fast enough. If I had helped.... If I had answered the fucking phone...." He stops me from walking. "It is not your fault. There is no way you could have known." He hugs me. "Don't beat yourself up over this." "I might've lost my best friends." I whimper. "You didn't. They'll come around."

Sierra's pov

I'm beyond shocked hearing her say all that. I call Miranda but get no answer. "Where are you going?" Rachel asks as I prepare to leave to go find them. "I have to find her." "No you don't. She doesn't deserve it." "Rachel, I know you're mad. I am too. But you had no right to say that! She feels horrible. You might've just pushed her over the limit of really killing herself." "Good riddance." She whispers laying down. "Kurt please talk some sense into her." I say before leaving.

Jason's pov

I'm driving us home. "She's right ya know." "Who's right hun?" "I should've never come back." I hit the brakes, shocked. "Who said that?!" "Rachel. She said I should've never come back and I should just go die. She's right." I hug her. "No she isn't. Don't ever think that. I'd be nothing without you. Even though she doesn't want to admit it, she would be too. You're the one who got her that job in the first place." She just cries again. Someone knocks on the window. It's a cop. "You can't just stop in the middle of the road." He says, shining a flashlight. I wasn't even thinking. "What's wrong with her?" "None of your damn business." I gripe, rolling the window up and getting back on the road. "Don't listen to them sweetheart. None of that is true and if they're gonna say that. They aren't your friends." I get us back home. She was quiet the rest of the ride. Tully is babysitting Jenny and Sam. He gets off the couch when we walk in. "Hey man." I start to say but he just walks passed me, carrying Sam and walking right out the door. "O... K... That was weird." "Don't you get it?! They're all pissed at us. Rachel's baby is dead because of me!" She yells. "What happened wasn't your fault!" "Then why do I feel so bad!? Why do I feel like it is?!" I hold her tight. "These things just happen. It wasn't meant to be." I sit on the couch, holding her in my lap as she cries, my arms wrapped tight around her. Jenny asleep beside us. Me slapping Sierra has completely been forgotten. She cries herself to sleep in my arms.

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