Helping Hunger

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Krystal's POV

I quickly wrote a small note and placed it on my bed. I was planning to see Seto and his friends again.

I know Sky likes me and all, I think, but while he's trying to figure out love, I might have my eyes on one of Seto's friends.

I quietly walked out of my room and rushed into the designing room at quickly create a cloak.

I then grabbed a bit of food and headed back into the forest. I walked through the forest, without making a single sound. I know I could fly, but that would be easy to be spot. Also, my wings are as silent as a owl, so not too quiet.

I crept through the forest floor and quietly killing any mobs possible.

It was a quiet night, kind of parannoying. But I kept walking until I heard fire crackling in the distance.

I silenced my foot steps as I crept forward. I then over heard them talking.

"Seto, are you done reading up on a way to summon food without a sacrifice?"

"No, sorry Lachlan. It'll take me a while."

"Ugh, can't you read any faster?"

"Look, staring just as much."

"Well you're skinny anyways."

"Shut up."

I looked down as my waist where I had a sack of food. It could probably last them tonight, if they eat like how I eat, small amounts. Better than nothing.

I then heard Seto groan a little at his stomach.

"Seto are you okay?"

"I....I.... I'm...... F-Fine."

"That doesn't sound like you're fine."

I can't stand just hiding in the shadows anymore, not while Seto's probably gonna starve to death. I slowly walked out of the bushes with the hood of my cloak down.


"Hey guys," I said, softly "so call me rude for eavesdropping, but I heard you needed food."

I threw the bag off food towards them and smiled a little.

"T-Thank y-you," Seto croaked out as his eyes slowly closed.


I ran to his side and shook him a little. The guys grabbed the food and ran towards us.

"Seto," I cried "wake up!"

I wrapped my arms around Seto and started whispering something to myself.

여신은 나 자신의 고통을 치유하는 데 도움. 이 멀리 갈 수 있도록 나의 건강을 희생.

(Translation From Korean To English: Goddess, help me heal his pain. Sacrifice my health to make this go away.)

I slowly heard Seto groan as he shifted a little.

"Seto, wake up," I whispered as the healing symbol appeared on my arm.

His eyes slowly opened as I felt mine started feeling getting heavier.

"Krystal," Seto questioned me as the healing symbol disappeared.

"I'm okay," I yawned as I loosened my grip from hugging Seto. "You should sleep though, thanks," Seto told me.

My eyes slowly closed as I drifted into sleep.

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