Little Pets

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Vik's POV

   I continuously dragged Lachlan into book stores all over the place and kept reading the books they had. I couldn't help it though! I love reading anything Kristal Galen. I kept begging at Lachlan's feet for him to buy the books I haven't read yet and kept looking around other bookstores to see which store had the lowest costing book. After buying the books, all I could do was have my nose deep into the book and often bumping into stuff like light poles and walls.

   "Vikky, try looking up while you read," Lachy told me as he grabbed my arm and moved me away from an obstacle I didn't notice yet. "But this book is so good," I reasoned out. "Out of all the people, we end up with only us two wandering around this place," Lachlan spoke, pulling me close and away from more obstacles. "Well we wouldn't be alone if Lunetta, Moon, and KillerK stuck together with KillerCanadian, Insane Seto, or Jason," I spoke.

   "That's true- OH MY NOTCH, are those pokémons," Lachlan exclaimed as he quickly pulled me towards something as I crashed harshly into a pole and blacked out for what felt like a minute or so (It really was about a minute). When I opened my eyes, I noticed I was on Lachlan's back. "L-Lachy," I exclaimed as he played with my tail, causing me to purr. "Heh, sorry for dragging you into a pole," Lachlan exclaimed "I just saw something incredible!"

   "What," I asked as he continued carrying me over to a shore window. I moved my head a little to see on the other side of the window were little pokémons!? Pokémons!? "Are those for real," I whispered as I saw a tiny baby Jolteon look up at us. "Yep, which one should we get," Lachlan asked me "Maybe one of the more powerful ones-" "What about a Jolteon," I asked. I got off is back and looked at the little Jolteon as I kneeled down to get a closer looks. "Really, but there are a ton of other cool pokémons, even legendries," Lachlan told me. "And their costs are," I asked. I kept my eyes on the Jolteon as Lachlan dragged me into the store to check out the prices.

   "1,000,000 diamonds for a legendary," Lachlan exclaimed "I don't have that much... And I'm really not in the mood to ask Sky or Krystal for diamonds." "How much is the Jolteon," I asked an employee. "Oh, she's up for his last day of adoption since nobody wants her," the employee told me. "Can I adopt her," I asked. "Well, one of her legs are broken," the employee explained "Would you like another one?" "What happens when she doesn't get adopted," Lachlan asked. "Well, we have to give it to a lab to do more research," the employee told us.

   I looked at Lachlan as he wrapped his arm around me and told the employee "We'll take her!" "Great, oh and you might want to adopt Jolteon's sister, Sylveon," the employee told us. I looked over to the Jolteon again and noticed a shy Sylveon hiding between the Jolteon's legs. "I mean, okay, we'll take the both of them," I told the employee. The employee grabbed the two pokémons and placed them both into a blanket and gave them to us.


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