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(So in the making of this entire series, it was supposed to based off of 2 years, so I wanted to actually have chapters based off the year... I've been failing to update chapters to the date it was meant to, but this is Valentines Day, my absolute favorite holiday even though I have a sad love life :'D, and I won't miss it! I hope~ And side note, Everytime I write this stuff, I always forget they're only supposed to be 10! X3 Also, should I call Sky as Skybrine or Sky? For now, I'm sticking with Skybrine...)

Lachlan's POV

I looked down to see Krystal jolting awake, but I still hugged her for comfort... "Are you okay," I asked her. She placed her head against my chest and replied "Yeah, I'm okay... just a dream..."

I smiled at her as she gave me a confused look. "Happy Valentines Day," I told her as I kissed her on the forehead. She was blushing so much, she could have almost fainted. "I-It's Valentines Day," she asked me. "Yep, you were gone for so long," I smiled weakly "You missed Christmas and New Year, I wanted to make Valentines Day special for you..."

Krystal was looking at the door before she asked me "Where's Skybrine?" I knew Skybrine was probably her first friend and I knew that Skybrine liked Krystal. I was lucky Skybrine allowed me to let me have Krystal. "He's okay, he's with the others," I told her. I saw a glimpse of sadness in her eyes, but it disappeared so quickly, I didn't even realize it.

"Come on, I wanna show you something," I told her. After Krystal changed into a different outfit, we headed to the cliff and she was in awe as we saw the beautiful sunset. We sat down on a blanket I brought and just watched the sunset. I also brought some chocolates, Tiger lilies, and the gift I was gonna give her on Christmas, but... yeah.

We talked a lot as we ate all of the chocolates, it was 32 chocolates and I ate about 20 X3, and she loved the Tiger Lilies, which I chose which resembles her strong and passionate personality. And she absolutely adored the crystal bracelet I got her. It was perfect...

"Happy Valentines Day Krystal," I told her as I kissed her on the lips. And she kissed back.

Skybrine's POV (Slightly earlier)

I loved Krystal, why did I give her up!?

I thought a while before it hit me. I could just go tell her before Lachlan could say anything! I grabbed the crystal rose I bought her, to resemble her beauty even with all her flaws that were so delicate, I grabbed my small plate with 2 chocolate strawberries, which resembled her rebellious and sweet personality, and grabbed her gift, a beautiful butter (A/N: You know what I mean by butter -_-) necklace with an opal in the center. She's always thinking she isn't that great, but she's my number one, so she deserves the butter (A/N: Geez, saying Butter instead of the other word just ruined it -_-), and the opal represents her creative personality...

I teleported to nearby her exact location, about a couple block lengths away, when I was completely and truly heartbroken. There, a couple blocks away, was Lachlan and Krystal..... kissing...

I almost fainted right there in pure shock, but I teleported away in time to collapse on my bed instead. I lost my gifts but who cares anymore!? I cried into my pillow and made sure the door where completely locked.

I just made the biggest mistake in my entire life and it's too late...

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