50 Miles Later XD

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Rob's POV

I yawned as I trudged on through the night with an unconscious Preston on my back after Skybrine threw him. How mature -_-. "It feels like forever since we started walking," I whined. "It's about 50 miles more, come on," Krystal encouraged us. We just walked into a clearing when heard something crash as I looked to see Ty crashed landed and with Lunetta and Jason... Ty must have fallen asleep while flying.

"Well, we might as well settle down before anymore of us pass out," Skybrine told us. I heard another pair collapse and saw Mitch on top of Jerome and both dead asleep. I yawned as I noticed how everyone pretty much gathered around and prepped for sleep...

"I'll watch over," I told everyone. "I'll watch over as well," Krystal smiled. I sat down on a small patch of grass as everyone quietly fell asleep. Krystal was in this cat hybrid form as she perched herself on a tree branch. "Why choose a cat form," I whined "I'm a wolf hybrid here!" "If Dog can friend Cats, I'm sure you can get used to it," Krystal told me.

I watched as Krystal quietly hummed as she nudged a couple of my friends with her foot towards others. "What are you doing," I asked as she nudged the sleeping Preston towards me. "Making ships happen," I smiled, then frowned as she glanced at Lunetta and Jason "They still won't get along..." I looked to see the two of them back to back away from each other.

She walked over to the two and placed her hand on Jason's cheek and breathed out a purple mist. Her eyes turned white as Jason slowly shifted and turned to put his arm around Lunetta. Her eyes returned as she slowly walked away. "What was that," I asked.

"Oh, nothing," Krystal smiled as she leaned against a tree "Just something Notch taught me..." I quietly watched as the sky was slowly moving. The constellations seemed to be different... like they were speaking out. Too bad I never had a chance to learn the star's meanings.

Lunetta's POV

Even as I sleep, the stars out in reality are the same as what I see in my dreams... The stars... they speak... Like tarot cards... Codes few understand about. I was sitting with a leg out and my chin resting on my knee, as I sat on top of a glittering lake. The starry sky above displaying symbols that spoke out... The stars connected themselves and showed a picture of the constellations a swan of a Dark Nebula.

"Quiet love, where love still exist even when hope is thought to be limited," I sighed.

"Ah, a Star Geek! Sweet wakes!"

I was so surprised, as my body felt heavy as my entire body sank into the lake... As I slowly float my way down to the bottom, a triangle forms above the water.

"No," I exclaimed quietly as I jolt up. I was in Jason's arm and Rob, who said would watch over everyone is asleep. Just Krystal was awake as she looked my way... I still couldn't help to notice Jason though...

I wanted to move his arm away from me, but I just couldn't... I guess I'm stuck like this now... Just gazing up at the stars since I can't sleep...

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