Skybrine and Krystal

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Krystal's POV

About a week after Valentines Day, the place seemed a little more and less lonely... I love how having Lachlan by my side made me feel less lonely, but I haven't seen Skybrine ever since. But I really shouldn't be having fun without Skybrine, it's just not really the best idea. Also since this is Skybrine's father's place anyways. I guess I should go and talk to him?

I turned the corner and passed the library door. I haven't really been in there for a while now... specially since it's usually locked. I also decided to get rid of a couple of my powers just to have a better grip on my more used powers. Everything seemed to change...

I knocked on Skybrine's door. No response. "Skybrine," I called out. No response still. He usually wouldn't leave me out like this. "Skybrine, are you okay," I called out again. Still nothing. "I'll come in myself anyways you know," I spoke.

I knew he was in there, I may not have some kind of power to see through walls or anything, but I did have something to sense where someone is and who is that someone. "I'm coming in, I guess," I warned him as I reached for my hair clip.

"Leave me alone," exclaimed Skybrine's voice, but raspy like he's been crying for days. "Skybrine," I spoke softly but loud enough for him to hear. "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE, JUST GO, LEAVE," he snapped. I cried slightly, but obeyed and just left.

He never screams at me like that.

I then felt someone hug me and looked up to see Lachlan. His arms around me and wiping the tears I had away. "What's wrong," he asked me softly. "Skybrine won't talk to me, a-and screamed at me," I cried a little more. He kissed me slightly on my forehead as I melted into him.

"Can you guys just cut it out?!"

I turned to see Jason with his eyes filled with hatred. Vik right behind him. "Excuse me," Lachlan asked him. "If you're gonna be all lovey dovey," Jason hissed "Just not here!" I cried a little more into Lachlan as he tried to comfort me.

"Cut that out Jason, she's not in the mood to deal with you," Lachlan hissed at him. "Fine, and BTW to Krystal," Jason said, walking passed us "I bet we all, even Skybrine, wished that you'd have stayed back at the other lab longer!"

I cried even more and took off.

Skybrine's POV

I listened as Krystal started sobbing and her footsteps running away. I can't believe how cruel Jason was to Krystal. I was upset at Krystal, but it didn't mean for everyone else to start to shun her. During the week, everyone I've told about my problem I always end up hearing them talking bad about Krystal in front of my door. Everyone I told about it, they started shunning Krystal! Even Kira! And now Jason's being mean to her?!

I knew Jason and Vik left, so I opened up my door and searched for Krystal. I checked the library as usual. But she... she wasn't there?

I then ran over to the ever place I know she likes, the sewing room, her room, the music studio, the garden, the game room, the plush room (Yes we have a plush room!), she wasn't in any of those places!

I then checked the one place me and Krystal never been in together and one place Krystal never wanted to go in, the basement. I walked down the steps and then saw Krystal curled up in a corner, crying.

It broke my heart seeing her like that. I started to approach her but I was just a feet away from her when she turned and faced me. "WHAT DO YOU WANT NOW," she screamed, haft crying. "Krystal," I whispered, about to cry myself.

She just scooted away from me. I tried to place my hand on her cheek, but she just smacked my hand away from her. I slowly backed away and started crying. She just turned away from me and stayed curled up in the corner. "You don't care for me  anymore, do you," I cried. She didn't flinch.

I walked off, wiping off my tears. "I never liked you anyways," I snapped looking at her before walking up the stairs "You're just too weak, powerless, a nobody, stupid!"


OMG, I'm actually crying! It's sadder when I was listening to this.

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