The Future Awaits

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Krystal's POV

   I woke up from my small nap and noticed the quietness of the house. I slowly sat up and looked around. Where was everyone? I noticed Jin and the others fly in as I slowly got out of bed.

   "Hey Jin, have you seen-" "Yeah, Skybrine's waiting outside," Jin interrupted me. I nodded as I started to walk outside my room but was stopped by Max and Ross. "You're gonna go out like that?" "Um, I'm just gonna go out and see Skybrine-" "Put this on!" Ross told me, handing me a short gray casual demin dress.

   I tilted my head in confusion before simply just obeying and grabbing the dress. I quickly changed before running down to the door and seeing Skybrine outside.

   "Oh, hey Krystal," Skybrine blushed a bit. I blushed a little as well. Skybrine had a casual blue and black plaid jacket and a black shirt with a pair of gray pants. "Hey Skybrine, have you seen everyone," I asked.

   "Yeah, follow me," Skybrine said as he held his hand out. I smiled and accepted his hand as he pulled me towards the forest.

   "Where are we going, Skybrine," I asked before I noticed a camping area in the middle of an open field in the forest. This was, the Pack's old home. But now, it was a field with the fireplace in the middle, a couple logs around it to sit on, some tents, and a couple small fairy lights around the place.

   And there was everyone else as well.  Merome was chasing each other around while Vikklan was cuddling with each other by the fire, Poofless was wearing flower crowns and watching fireflies, Setosolace was playing with fireflies as well, Husky and Ssundee were both doing marshmallows and s'mores, Lunetta and Jason were gazing up at the stars, Insane Seto and Moon were snuggled up together in a tent, KillerK and KillerCanadian were playing around by KillerCanadian flying around and carrying KillerK around to snatch Ian and Husky's s'mores, Spooky was hanging out with Kira as they tried to roast marshmallows while the other ghosts hid in the bushes.

   "Skybrine?" "Happy Birthday Krystal," Skybrine smiled as he kissed me on the lips. I melted into the kiss before he pulled away. "Come on, the others are waiting-" "DON'T PRETEND LIKE NOBODY SAW THAT KISS!!!" Ty exclaimed as he had his tail around Kira. I felt my face turn red as Skybrine lead me to everyone else.

   "Happy birthday Krystal!" everyone cheered. I smiled as Skybrine pat me on the head. "I'm guessing you love it right?" "Yeah, of course. Everyone's here, like a family," I smiled more as Skybrine chuckled, setting me besides him as we sat down. "Anyone up for a couple songs?" Ty asked, pulling out a guitar and Kira pulling out a violin.

   "How about the birthday-" "Nah, cheesy and copyright." "Okay then, how about Lost Get Found?" "Nice choice!"

   Kira and Ty started to play music as everyone else gathered around to sing or clap along. This is the best I could ever ask for. But what ticks me off is that...

Wasn't there a photo of this exact moment in that box?


And that's the end of this story, for now! I feel like this was pretty bad, so I want to ask you guys. Should I try to rewrite the entire thing on a separate book? I mean, I'm definitely keeping this as a time capsule of my writing skills, but would you guys like to see a newer (And more likely better organized) version of this story? If so, then expect the 2nd book later than usual and wait a bit longer for the first chapter of the rewrite to happen. If not, then expect the 2nd book sooner!

Anyways, I'm also planning to add a New story to my Wattpad soon. So expect something. And... Jin... His nice soul will stay alive on this account cause though his crimes were awful, I believe he will change.... And I'm somewhat expecting a lot of people to unfollow me now... Anyways... I thank you all for choosing to waste your time on something like this. And I hope to see you guys really soon in a new book!

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