A New Movement

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*Checks date* Shit, it's the new year already? And it's a Sunday? Well, fuck.

Skybrine's POV

   I started to notice changes around the house. Krystal must be working hard again. The kitchen seemed to be upgraded, our rooms seemed to be upgrading as well as more room appearing here and there. And the exterior looks perfectly new. I wonder why she's doing all this. Anyways, I've been preparing for Krystal's with birthday all day out in the forest. Thanks to a couple friends, we got it done. Now to find Krystal...

   I checked my watch and took note of the time. She's most likely in her room at this time. I teleported over to Krystal's room and noticed her fast asleep in our bed with her book in her hands still. She's still so cute. I really do like her.

   I walked out and made sure everyone was notified about today being her birthday. "Well, it's also Kira's birthday today," Ty noted. "It is?" I was surprised "Are you sure you two aren't twins Kira?" "Pretty sure," Kira said "And I honestly didn't want to say my birthday since I knew it was Krystal's birthday today. I honestly don't want too much anyways."

   "If that's what you want," Ty shrugged "Then that means the chocolates I bought you would just go to waste..." "Wait, chocolates," Kira asked "What kind?"

   I giggled at the two as I continued to tell everyone about the trip. It probably won't be the best birthday party ever for her, but I'll pretend that it will be.

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