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Krystal's POV

Honestly we talked for about, I don't really know, 14 hours in my mind. That probably means I was in coma for about 1-2 weeks? "So Bill, I'm pretty sure Ty's learned his lesson with hurting me that bad," I said, sipping more of my juice which just always refills itself "And I might as well make sure he doesn't cut from the shame."

"Why, you scared for them," Bill asked me. "Well duh, I care for them," I said, jumping off m chair. "Well, now I've found a weakness now," Bill smirked. "Hurt them and the next time I see you, I'll fight back," I cried. "Well you can't stop me," Bill spoke, then in a creepy tone "Because I make sure you never wake up to stop me in time or better, if you don't remember!"

The ground below me shook. I was suddenly dangling with chains on my wrists over a pit of fire. I wasn't scared though, I fact very unimpressed by Bill's decision of torture. "Hand over your memories and you'll live," Bill scolded me "Don't and you'll die!"

"I am quite unimpressed by you Bill," I spoke calmly "you forgot one small factor to your plan."

"And what is that?"

"This is my dream."

With that the chains broke and I was falling, not into the fire, but into the emptiness of my black blossom into the normal blackness of coma.

"Nooooooooooooooooooooooo-," Bill's voice screamed before being cut off by my blossom portal's petal's closed shut.

I was stuck once again in a numb darkness. But slowly, I made my hand hold onto a hand outside of my head as the blackness faded and turned into the Healing Room.

"Guys, she's waking up," Skybrine called out and as I expected, I was holding his hand. I saw everyone else gather around me and start to talk all at once. The room was barely lit, just how I like it whenever waking up and everyone spoke, one by one.

"Are you okay?"

"What happened?"

"Where were you?"

"Do you remember?"

"Who did this to you!?"

"I'm okay," I began "I might have gotten in a horrible fight at a kid friendly hybrid bar, yes I remember, and----"

"Ty did this to her," Skybrine spoke, hate in his voice. Everything was silent as I looked at Skybrine, who walked off.

"S-Skybrine," I spoke, but he just continued to walk off.

Where's he going?

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