100th Chapter!

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Kristal: Hey guys! TwinightJewel here and for my 100th chapter, why not spend this chapter with some of the stars of this book and a couple of secrets, facts, and sneak peaks for this book series. Yes, a book series! Now lets get out of this intro already and get into the better stuff!

Krystal: Hey! It's Krystal, the originally main character of this book!

Lunetta: Hey....

Moon: How's it going!?

KillerK: You promised pizza Kristal -_-

Kristal: *Gives KillerK a box of pizza* There  -_-

KillerK: *Opens it up and eats a slice* =3

Kristal: Okay, so here's a fact/secret: The main character? Those would be us. But wait, I'm not in here? Yes I actually am! I am the original copy of Krystal before she was put into the testing tube and I play Kira!

KillerK: Don't worry readers *Has mouth full* She doesn't really cut. In the story she just says that to express her feelings that she doesn't have an actual boyfriend or has the lonely distant family she actually wants!

Kristal: *Growls*

Moon: Uh, to a sneak peek shall we?

Kristal: I still have more to say later you know -_-

Lunetta: *Starts the sneak peek*

3rd Person's POV

Everything was in flames as everyone was in chaos. Hybrids burning, everyone screaming in terror. Charlie on the other hand watched the beautiful view of the fire taking over the lab. Lunetta, was lying unconscious on the floor of the lab, practically wasted cause of the drugs she used to do her experiments. Kira, still under ground but with all her possessions in her arms. Moon was sacredly looking around franticly for her sister, unable to use her powers from her power draining ceremony. And KillerK finding all the friends she could to make sure no more of her cared for ones died.

KillerCanadian was frantically looking around for KillerK to come out of the fire, unable to do anything under his abilities. Jason was terrified at the sight, wanting to go in for Lunetta, but jumping back from the fire. Insane Seto's powers became useless as the fear within him was devouring his powers. And Ty, being immune to the fire, was flying through the fire for one person in particular: Kira. 

Kristal: That's all! Just the main characters and their crushes! I will not, by the way, publish the real chapter with those words. I like the more dramatic POVs anyways.

KillerK: That she can't write cause she sucks at it -3-

Kristal: -_-

Moon: SO, ever wonder why the story seemed so off? Like how everything shifted as it went on?

Krystal: It did, because of time!

Kristal: That's right! Originally it was supposed to be a shorter story where it would only explain my most favorited character----

Moon/Lunetta/KillerK: HEY!!!!!

Kristal: BACK WHEN I WAS YOUNGER!!! It was supposed to only explain the backstory of Krystal where she grew up being the daughter of Notch and Herobrine. That was back about a year ago when I was still young and new to Wattpad.

Krystal: The ideas started to shift ever since she started to intertwined the story with her first ever favorited Wattpad subject: Team Crafted! 

Kristal: When I first found out about Team Crafted, I think I  found out about them while looking for animations on YouTube then choosing to google it! That or I was reading fanfics about them... =3

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