The Boy in the Forest

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Seto's POV

I walked out of Moon's room as Insane Seto laid Moon on the bed. I don't really have anyone to hangout with too much anymore, my pack friends are busy, my sister and her friends are busy, all I left is my 'Not Lonely Pal' Husky. "Hey Mudkip," I screamed out. I waited for a while until I saw Husky walking my way. "Oh hey Seto," he smiled "Wanna go adventuring with me? Everyone else seems to be busy with their things..."

"Sure, I've got nothing else to do," I sighed. "Great, come on," he told me as he grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door. I followed him and used magic to close the door. He dragged me over to the forest as we started adventuring.

I continuously stopped to look around, meanwhile Husky keeps acting like he's looking for something. But by the way he's looking around, looks like he's looking for a someone. "Erm, Husky, what are you really looking for," I asked him.

He sighed before answering "You know how I'm usually adventuring out and about? Well, a couple days ago I heard a bit of commotion and I saw a boy, slightly younger with sunglasses, running from a group of people with weapons and a couple bows." I gasped in disbelief. Then I heard a commotion as the two of us ran straight for the noise.

"Please no! Leave me alone!'


At the moment, I'm pretty busy with moving... so... yeah

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