My New Home?

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???'s POV

"Please no! Leave me alone," I screamed as I quickly limped throughout the forest. I was just an 11 year old child with bruises, scratches, and a limp, so I know I won't last long. I've went about 3 days without food and barely any sleep. I probably won't make it.

Nope... Definitely won't...

I collapsed next to a tree as the sound of my old angry village got closer. And closer.

"Hey, what's going on here," asked a voice as I saw a Mudkip hybrid. "Another hybrid," exclaimed one of the villages "Lets get him and the Ghost freak!" Suddenly a purple fire ball was thrown at the villagers as they all backed away and retreated. "Heh, I didn't even have to do much," spoke another voice as I saw another kid with a purple cloak.

"Hey, you okay," the Mudkip hybrid asked me as he helped me up. I shook my head slightly as I noticed y sunglasses on the ground. "M-my glasses," I rasped out as I reached for my glasses, but everything around me quickly faded into darkness.

//Times Skip\\

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around to see I was in a living room and how I was hugging the Mudkip hybrid's arm. I also noticed how the boy was asleep as well, so I let go of his arm and scooted away from him. I also noticed how the couch I was on was seriously comfy, like seriously! At my old village, all we had were wooden seats! I also noticed how I had a quilt on my back and felt it with my hands. It was a mainstay fleece blanket to be specific, and it was really soft. Is this boy like a prince or something?

(A/N: No, but he is friends with the Prince of the Nether -3-)

I suddenly saw someone run by and looked to see a transparent boy with black hair and brown eyes. I looked over to a coffee table and found my sunglasses as I grabbed them and put them on. I adjusted the angle a little as I looked up to see the transparent boy had disappeared.

"Good," I thought "I can't really deal with any spirits at the moment, I swear!" I got up and heard the hybrid boy groan as I flinched slightly. Oh yeah, I get scared easily as well. Guess it's just me being paranoid of the paranormal too much. I turned to the waking hybrid and saw his eyes slowly open. "Oh hey, you're awake," he smiled at me. "U-uh, w-where am I," I stuttered.

"Well, you fainted so Seto teleported us to where me and my friends live," he explained "And if you want, you can live with us too! I'm Husky by the way!" "Really," I asked in disbelief.

"YO FISH!!!"

"I'm NOT a fish Sky!" Husky screamed out as I saw another boy with sunglasses walk into the living room. "Oh, he's up," the boy, Sky asked "Did he agree with staying with our group?" "I-I guess I am, I mean my village doesn't accept me anyways," I spoke as I looked down to the floor. I felt Husky wrap his arms around me as I felt my heart race and face heat up.

"It's okay," Husky told me "You wanna eat something? We can make you anything!"

"Hm... C-can you make a cake?"


It's pretty obvious who this person is -3-.

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