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I don't have to ever look at Mr. Howell again after that.

I knock on his door still in my confident stance. The minute I hear his footsteps coming towards the door I shrink and regret fills me. Why didn't I just borrow Maci's phone? I'm so stupid.

"Omera?" He says as he opens the door and I stand speechless. His hair is brushed out of his face, a few buttons of his shirt are undone. I blink quickly and look down at the room key in my hands. I fiddle with it as I try to find my words.

"Um...Mrs. Wickenburg said that...uh...n-nevermind." I quickly say turning to walk away.

"Omera." He calls, stopping me from walking away. I turn and see him lean against the door, he holds up a finger and motions me to come back. "What was it you had to to say?"

I stare at him and then back at the room key in my hands. "N-Nothing. It wasn't important. I'm sorry Sir."

Why am I so nervous? When have I ever been nervous? Back at public school I would call out in class and roll my eyes at teachers. I have never been so shy in my entire life.

"Come inside." He sighs, opening up the door and standing by it. I decide not to fight it because he'd only force me to listen to him. I enter and feel his hand on my lower back as he closes the door behind him. "Sit down."

I walk over to the desk I usually sit in. He walks in front of it and stares down at me. I cough awkwardly as I stare at my lap. He places his hand under my chin and lifts my head up.

"You don't have to be afraid of me. You're not in trouble right now, sweetheart." He says and I look at him. Is he allowed to call me all these nicknames? I try to calm down, I let go of the room key in my hand. I set it on the corner of the desk, and look up at him.

"Okay, Sir." I agree and he smiles as he takes his hand away.

"Good girl." He lets the phrase slip past his lips unknowingly making me lightheaded. "Now, what did you come here for?"

"Mrs. Wickenburg told me to retrieve my phone from you, Sir." I tell him.

"Are you sure you've learnt your lesson, Omera?" He asks me, he rests his hands on the desk and gets close to my face. I study him in a daze. His lips look soft, it reminds me of the color of my lip balm, pink and smooth, like strawberry gum. I just like the way they contrast with his pale skin.

"S-Sir." I say letting the word come out in a way that sounds unintentionally like a moan. I mentally slap myself for how awkward that sounded, I look up at Mr. Howell and try to pretend the noise didn't even happen. His eyes widen as he hears it, he looks away from me and bites his lip.

"I'm sorry, Sir." I immediately apologize. "I shouldn't have even came here, I'm sorry for all the trouble. I'm just going-" I get up from my seat and try walking past him but he grabs my waist and pushes me up against the desk. I look up at him, feeling my insides catch on fire as I see his pupils dilate.

"Darling." He says squeezing my hips. Is he messing with me or is this actually happening? I speechless, I can't say anything inresponse. "Teasing me counts as a strike." He informs me, licking his lips swiftly.

"Teasing?" I repeat. "T-That's not teasing."

"Then what is, darling?" He questions making me feel all hot and bothered. "Show me."

I bite my lip, feeling on the spot. "I-I don't know." I nervously say, squeezing my eyes shut and gripping the edge of the desk. I open them, my vision is a bit blurry. I take advantage of this, putting my hand on Mr. Howell's cheek. I lean in quickly and connect our lips, I close my eyes and refrain from thinking about what I'm doing. I pretend he's not a teacher, I pretend he's one of the guys from my old school I used to kiss behind the school during lunchtime. I think of the way I would make boys nervous with a single touch. I feel my old confidence bubble within in again.

With this in mind, I move my lips and quickly take control. I put one of my hands on his neck and the other runs through his hair. He moans into my mouth and grips under my thighs, he picks me up and makes me sit on the desk. He pulls away from the kiss and begins kissing down my neck. I swallow the lump in my throat because this feels different.

I don't feel in control for once, it's him who has all the control. He unbuttons the top of my shirt to reveal my collarbone, he begins to suck harshly, while still lapping his tongue in the area. I've never had a hickey before, I've always avoided getting one. If I had known how good it felt to get one I'd be covered in them.

Once Mr. Howell pulls away from my neck I get off the desk, he's a teacher. Not to mention that he spanked me this morning. What am I doing? I look at the ground avoiding eye contact with Mr. Howell. I smooth a piece of hair that fell out of my bun behind my ear.

"G-Goodbye, Sir." I say quickly, I don't wait for him to stop me. I reach up quickly to button up my shirt as I walk quickly to my room.

I reach in the pocket of my shirt for the key but I find it empty. What? Where could it have gone? I think back to the last memory I had of the key and face palm. I left it on the desk in Mr. Howell's classroom.

I can't go back now, I'm too mortified to even say his name. But how will I get my bag and schedule?

Well I guess I'm going to have to go to Mrs. Wickenburg for a replacement because I'm not going back to Mr. Howell.


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