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I feel so childish and I love it.

The health test is laid flat on my desk, and I try comprehending the grade written on it. How could I have gotten a perfect score? Mr. Howell even wrote a little note on my test, Great Job Omera! You're one of the only people with a perfect score!

How is that even possible? I've only came to half the classes and I barely paid attention anyways. Maybe God is real? He's helped me in this journey of life and I've just shunned him. Or maybe I am God...

No, that's ridiculous. I can't be God, I'm probably just a genius. A reincarnation of Albert Einstein or something. However, I don't Albert Einstein sucks as much dïck as me.

Yes, I'm just a genius. All in my own, with no help from dead people.

"Omera?" Maci says as she snaps her fingers in front of my face. I stop staring at my test and up at her, why was she even here? She doesn't have class here and she never picks me up from class.

"Maci? What are you doing here?" I question as I get up from my desk. I see Mr. Howell looking through his file cabinet and it just reminds me of that Alissa girl. Should I ask Maci about her?

"You got a perfect score? Oh my god, I'm so proud of you." Maci says as she looks at my test.

"Oh yeah, I did." I calmly state. I haven't gotten a perfect score in a long time, how am I supposed to act? I didn't like this attention at all.

"Congratulations." She smiles brightly as she hand me my test back.

"Thanks Maci. I'd love to stay and chat but I have to get to the class on manners before I'm locked in the attic." I quickly put my test in my bag and try walking out.

Maci stops me. "Aren't you going bid your farewell?"

"Bye, Maci." I say quickly but she shakes her head.

"I meant to your boyfriend." She smiles brightly.

Mr. Howell chokes on his spit and begins coughing.

I study her quickly, is she joking or does she genuinely believe we're dating? I can't tell so I just assume she's serious. Maci was clueless at times, and I don't think she has ever been in a relationship with a teacher so she doesn't know.

"We're-We're not...Maci what are you saying?" I blush madly as I look at her with panic.

"Oh, was I not suppose to say that?" She innocently asks, immediately looking around embarrassed. I don't know how to explain it to her without it being awkward, so I just grab her arm and pull her out with me.

"Have a nice day, Mr. Howell." I say as I exit leaving him to choke.

Maci tries keeping up with my pace, I couldn't think straight. That was so embarrassing. I immediately feel stupid, and I just want life to end right there. What was Mr. Howell thinking? The term boyfriend sounds so dumb when used for what Mr. Howell and I had. It seems immature, like a term for a high school relationship between two freshmen. He's practically reaching his thirties, he's not my boyfriend.

"Maci, you need a filter. Oh my god." I state as I try not grabbing her hair and ripping it out of her head right there.

"I'm sorry, I just thought you guys were-"

"You thought wrong. Me and him are nothing. Even if we were, why would you say that in front of him? What if he didn't know that you knew?" I panic quickly as I try explaining to her what she's done.

She seems like she understands. "Oh my god, I didn't know." She shakes her head quickly.

"It's fine. I have to get to manners class." I wave her off. I quickly try distracting myself from the pure embarrassment I feel.


I managed to make it in time, the class hasn't started yet.

"Hey, Mr. C." I wave to him with a smile. He give me a quick smile as he shuffles through his papers.

"Good afternoon." He gives me a quick nod.

"It seems this brat has not learned her lesson." Ms. Cara says as she narrows her eyes.


"You didn't really tell me what I should do, you only punished me. That's not how you teach." I say this as respectfully as possible.

She narrows her eyes. "I said it last class, but I'll repeat it for slow thinkers like you. Address your superiors as 'Sir' and 'Madam', that's the rule."

"I really don't like being called Sir." Mr. C butts into the conversation.

"It does not matter. We are trying to teach these girls how to be ladies." Ms. Cara gives him a pointed glare.

"I don't want to be a lady, I'm fine with how I am now." I disagree.

"So are murderers and serial killers. That doesn't mean what they're doing is fine." She argues back, she raises her eyebrow, waiting for my rebuttal.

"I'm not hurting anyone, so I don't-"

"Don't talk back to me. Just take your seat." She gives me a glare, I resist the urge to start something but I didn't really want to end up in the attic. So I just control my anger, and take my seat.

"Quiet down." Ms. Cara orders, I don't see Mrs. Wickenburg anywhere which kind of scares me.

"The first lesson for today is learning to speak properly."



Sorry for getting off my schedule so much, my heart is broken beyond belief and I'm trying to eat my feelings away.

That isn't important, what is important is that the New York primary is on Tuesday and I'm forcing all my relatives to go vote for Daddy Bernie. So if any of you live in New York, make sure to vote (or force your loved ones to)

Anyways, I'm going to try getting my updates on time. Sorry if they get depressing ;)

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