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"Thanks for the crackers." I say as I close his door behind me.

"Omera?" I hear a curious voice call out to me as I'm leaving breakfast. I turn around and see Rose, she sat near me in math. She's nervous almost all the time, I don't know how she even called out to me.

"Yes?" I look at her trying to form words. I pity her, it must be hard not being able to talk to anyone with ease.

"Do you know where Maci is?" She questions. Maci hadn't attended breakfast this morning and it made me realize I don't have many friends. It was a bit embarrassing when I noticed all the girls I had cursed out were all staring at me eat alone.

"No idea. Did you need something?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. She quickly shakes her head and walks away with a nervous expression. I roll my eyes without a care, it isn't my fault she can't toughen up.

I ignore the usual "girl-running-out-of-the-office-bald" routine, as does everyone else, and rush up to English class. I want to be the first there as usual, but when I enter the class it becomes evident that I'm not the first today.

"Maci?" I look at her with a look of confusion. Dan and Maci's heads snap towards me, and it looks like I've interrupted a very important conversation.

"Hey Omera." She looks at me with the same look of nervousness that Rose always has painted on her face.

"What were you two talking about and why did you skip breakfast for it?" I come to the point immediately with narrowed eyes.

"Nothing." Maci says quickly as she covers her mouth. I feel my jealousy boil, and suddenly I want to rip Maci's hair out of her head.

I stop myself, and take a deep breath. Maci's personality is pretty unique, she accuses herself for things and can't protect herself. Nothing was going on here, I can't keep thinking like this. She's my best friend, she wouldn't do anything to hurt me. Dan wouldn't either.

"That's cool. The bell is about to ring, so I'll get to my seat." I try acting as casual as possible. I sit down and take out my English notebook.

"Oh...that was very calm." He seems surprised as he watches me write the date, Maci rushes to her seat quickly.

"I guess." I shrug.


"I feel uncomfortable saying this." I protest to Ms. Cara. Manners class is dumb, she just makes us read a horrible script that sounds like it's meant for porn.

"I don't care, you must learn how to talk properly." She spits. She crosses her arms and waits for me.

I sigh, and look at Mr. C. He looks uncomfortable as well, almost everyone is expect Ms. Cara.

"I need some service." Mr. C mumbles holding up his glass. I grab the empty pitcher and walk over to him. I look behind me at Ms. Cara and then back at Mr. C.

"Sir, I would love to give you some service." I reluctantly say with a fake smile. I begin to pour the fake water in his glass.

"Thank you, young lady." He responds.

"My pleasure, Sir." I mumble. I look back at Ms. Cara for some type of approval, but she shakes her head.

"You must show respect by lowering your gaze, you are not worthy enough for eye contact." She explains to me. Before I could roll my eyes, the auditorium doors open and in comes Mr. Howell in the same clothes he had this morning.

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