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The feeling of nervousness and uncertainty fill me once I knock on his door. It felt as if the door was to his office back at Gwen Allen's, and I was here to retrieve my phone for the hundredth time. Suddenly, I don't feel confident anymore.

The door opens with calmness and I see him standing there. He doesn't look scary in the slightest, but I still feel myself get nervous at the sight.

"Come in." He says with a nod, he seems nervous as well. I would joke about the fact that he didn't even greet me but when I open my mouth I just decide against it.

Focus Omera. If you keep up this nervous act you'll end up giving him all the power he needs.

Well, there isn't much to say right now, he's just taking me to the couch.

You're the dominant one now, not him. Say something to show it.

"What did you need to talk about? Or did you just call me here to yell at me some more?" I question him, it isn't the best thing to say since I want him to do something for me but I can make it work in my favor.

"I didn't call you to yell at you. I want to explain myself." He states in such a confident voice that I feel I'll fail at being the dominant one this time.

I don't know what type of tone to take on, an angry tone so he feels he has to apologize? A sad tone so he feels guilty? A kind tone so he can see the best of me? I don't know which to go with, maybe my natural tone will do just fine.

"Then explain yourself." I say as I cross my arms over my chest. He shakes his head first before walking up to me a bit too close for me to deem it natural. He wouldn't be doing this without an intention, and I can't seem decide what his intention is.

"Why not take a seat first?" He whispers, I feel myself blush slightly at this.

"Uh...I don't think that's quite a good idea. Actually I think I left a...my wallet with my brother. I'll be going." I quickly excuse myself but he chuckles a bit.

"I'm just messing around, have a seat." He states carelessly as he leaves me in his living room. I'm not used to him being so forward, so when he does do something like that it makes me want to leave the area. If he keeps doing that then I'll never achieve what I came here for.

I walk over to where all the pictures were, I was here before on the day I went to Phil's restaurant. I didn't get to see all the pictures and now that I have the chance, I notice all the other pictures I skipped over.

A picture of Dan, Phil, and a girl, they all sat  in front of a garden of some sort, laughing. I tried to figure out who the girl was connected to but she seemed like she knew both of them and she kept her hand to herself.

"You always seem to snoop around." Dan points out from behind me.

"You should know me by now." I respond in a quiet tone.

"You're right about that. Here, have a drink." He change the subject. He sets two glasses down with what I assume is water.

"I'm not thirsty, just tell me what you brought me here for." I reply in a blunt tone as I sit next to him on the couch.

"Omera, I want to explain why I was with Euri." He states it simply, I furrow my eyebrows at this.

"I know you were on date. You moved on, and I'm happy for you. Well actually...I'm not that happy." I confess with no shame at all.

"Why aren't you happy?" He questions me with a little smirk.

"Because I'm still in love with you." I admit to him with no shame at all. He drops his smirk and looks shocked and happy at the same time.

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