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"Yeah, of course." I agree with a bit of sarcasm.

I leave my cabin in hopes of finding a place to think. I don't know anything about this camp, so it's inevitable that I'll get lost. Frankly, I didn't care.

I just need to think of a game plan for the time we stay at camp. Two days isn't very log so I don't think much will be done, but I do need to find out what Mr. Howell will say.

It's so weird that I call him Mr. Howell. If I'm planning on being anything to him I can't call him Mr. Howell. His first name, Dan, sounds like a completely different person. Someone more casual, and cute. I like his first name a lot.

I need to get Tia out of the picture, but how? She's been in love with Mr. Howe- Dan for a long time. How can I get her to lose interest? I could play dirty and spread a rumor, but there has to be a more peaceful way.

I glance around and feel a bit of panic when I don't recognize where I am. There isn't a cabin in sight, I must have gotten too lost in my thoughts.

I sit in the grass, and take in the soft warmth of the sun. I think of the complicated situation I'm in and groan, laying down in the grass.

It feels so peaceful.

I don't know how to approach him, a part of me just wants to slam him against a wall and do as I please without thinking of the consequences. I know it's a terrible idea but I couldn't help but want every part of him, the interest I have for him only grows. Mainly because he's a challenge or maybe I just like him.

"Eh, I'll just wing it." I whisper to myself as I get up from my spot and try making it back to the cabins.


"Where have you been, young lady?" I see Ms. Lilian's dirty look and immediately roll my eyes.

"Nowhere important." I wave her off and walk back, I need to find the teachers cabin and do what comes naturally concerning Mr. Howell.

"Everyone is in the dining hall for lunch. You're supposed to be there too, young lady." Ms. Lilian grabs my arm and points her finger towards the direction I need to go in.

"Okay." I accept her horrible attitude for now because of how distracted I am. I walk quickly over to the dining hall. I push the door open and enter with fast-paced footsteps, and as I enter Mrs. Wickenburg grabs me.

"Where have you been?" She asks, everyone converses and eats the lunch, which consisted of burger and fries. Wow, I didn't think Mrs. Wickenburg would allow such fatty foods in our diets.

"Does it matter? I'm just here to clean." I roll my eyes.


Later that night, I sweep after our school finishes dinner. I had no one watching me which I think is a bit stupid. I could just leave and no one could stop me.

I have sweatpants and a cropped tank top on instead of my outfit from earlier. Mrs. Wickenburg had lost her shït when she saw my belly button ring. I only ignored her meltdown and the rules she tried pushing on me.

"Lonely?" A voice calls out to me as I silently sweep. I turn quickly when I recognize Mr. Howell's voice. His eyes scan my outfit quickly, and he seems pleased.

"I am. Why? Are you going to accompany me?" I ask with a small smile. He's wearing a plain black t-shirt and black sweat pants, it's refreshing to see him in such casual attire.

"I was sent here to watch you actually." He says as he walks over to one of the dining tables.

"It's fine if you don't want to be here." I wave him off as a joke. He laughs to himself before looking at me again.

"I want to be here with you." He states with a smirk.

My heart flutters at the words, it seems so natural and loving. I can't help but blush and look away.

"Especially with you wearing that." He says with lust as he looks over my body.

I put a hand on my hip. "Why you have to ruin it?"

He laughs, I drop my annoyed look and smile. "Let me fix it, come here." He calls out to me, patting his lap.

I drop my broom. "Good, I need a break." I admit as I walk over to him. I take a seat on his lap, immediately grabbing the side of his face. He wraps his hands around my waist, making sure to touch the bare skin my shirt reveals.

I rub the pad of my thumb under his cheekbone, and study him. I immediately  forget what I told him yesterday, I don't want to risk rejection.

Both our smiles drop as our faces get closer, his eyes flutter close and I look at his lips. I move my thumb to touch them and feel how chapped they were. It contrasts my lips that were currently covered in lip balm.

I move my thumb away and connect our lips despite my subconscious advising me to distance myself. The kiss feels sweet and in a way comfy, I could sit here for hours just moving my lips against his.

I move to grip his shirt, the kiss gets heated as his hands move up my sides and near my chest. I pull back slowly to study him, it takes a few seconds for him to comprehend that my lips weren't on his anymore.

"There's a night hike right now, the teacher's cabin is empty." He pants as he hold onto me, I caress as his face as I realize the only reason he came here was for this.

And that's fine with me.


Cliffhangers are my speciality ;)

I'll update tomorrow though, :*

P.S: I didn't proof read this, so if you find any mistakes please inform me! Thank you :)

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